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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I have no idea as I have never used halides. The problem with a deep tank is the balance between too much light at the top and not enough at the bottom.
  2. That height of tank may be difficult to get the light sorted for plants.
  3. With the right balance of light and ferts it can
  4. We have a few colonies in Akaroa harbour. I rescued one in Kaikoura once from under my parked car. Wasn't sure what was going on but a guy with more knowledge than me told me not to put it back in the water as it had come ashore to malt and would only become waterproof after gaining its feathers back and oiling them up. Lovely we guys.
  5. It is very common for all animals to pick on any of their kind that are different or particularly if injured.
  6. Legal status in private hands? Wouldn't want Maf around with a flame thrower.
  7. You should always complete a course of antibiotics or you risk encouraging an antibiotic strain of bacteria.
  8. Nothobranchius guentheri is sold by Rodney Fletcher in Christchurch (Paul Jones on trademe)
  9. There is a lot of debate over methemoglobinemia in babies and it is very rare in NZ. There has to be a lot of predispositions as well as nitrate for it to be a problem. My understanding is that it is nitrite that is the problem so baby requires the correct micro organisms to produce that from nitrate. So called healthy foods such as spinach are high in nitrate, and foods like ham and bacon are high in nitrite.
  10. Frogs are certainly built for eating (in more ways than one)
  11. Jennifer had a heap of them and bred them like mad for a while--send her an Email. I have not kept them.
  12. alanmin4304


    Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  13. You can buy snail shells from places that sell snails.
  14. How do we get on legally for an AGM to elect new exec if we have no secretary.
  15. The babies need warm humid air.
  16. I don't think the filter bacteria are spore formers. The bacteria required in the filter are present in the environment and I wonder if the bacteria in the bottle is mainly food to encourage them to multiply. What the hell--I have never used them but if they work go for it.
  17. It is a sign of liver malfunction which causes fluid retention and would infectious if that malfunction had been caused by an infectious agent. In my experience it usually is not.
  18. Make your own--you have total control of the ingredients and preparation.
  19. Copied from a previous post & edited: When you add chlorine to water you get hypochlorous acid which reacts with nitrogen compounds like ammonia,urea and the amines (in all proteins) and forms monochloramine. When you add more chlorine you get dichloramine and even more you get trichloramine. All these (and other reactions) form part of the "chlorine demand" in the water. You cannot get free available chlorine until this "chlorine demand" is satisfied. Therefore when the reaction is pushed towards trichloramine there will be virtually no monochloramine present. In some states in the US they treat the water with monochloramine (made by reacting chlorine with ammonia) because chlorine will react with other impurities in the water and form some compounds that are not so nice (such as acetone) where as monochloramine will not. Monochloramine is not as effective in treating water as chlorine which is used in NZ but is still a strong oxidising agent. When people complain that the chlorine in a swimming pool is too strong and it is burning their eyes the problem usually is that the free available chlorine has been used up by contaminants in the water (such as urea) and this has pushed the chloramines back towards the monochloramine and this is what is burning their eyes. The problem is fixed by adding more chlorine. When you allow water to stand or aerate it to get rid of the chlorine the chloramines all move back to monochloramine and this will react with your fish the same as an under chlorinated swimming pool will with your eyes. Chlorine and all chloramines can be converted to more harmless chemicals with the addition of sodium thiosulphate which is the active ingredient you are buying from the petshop with dechlorinating products. Drinking water will contain various impurites that add to the chlorine demand and will form chloramines and other compounds. Ammonia is a bi product of the reaction when adding thiosulphate to chlorinated water. Chlorine only is used to sanitize water supplies in NZ and when you add chlorine you will always get chloramines unless you use distilled water.
  20. When I was breeding heaps of angels in a previous life I used to spawn a group of corries in a bare tank and when the fry were free swimming add a batch of free swiming angels and the corries make realy good cleaners of excess food from the bottom and they sell better than snails.
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