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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Terribly sorry, I stand corrected: There are different results when breeding Mack Snows. Listed below are different possible combinations. Mack Snow x Mack Snow 25% Super Snow 50% Mack Snow 25% Wild Type Mack Snow x Normal 50% Mack Snow 50% Wild Type Super Snow x Normal 100% Mack Snow Super Snow x Mack Snow 50% Super Snow 50% Mack Snow Super Snow x Super Snow 100% Super Snow If all else fails read the instructions.
  2. The above is a good explanation of what to do. Two lumps-male, one lump or no lump-female. How old is your beardie? I can't help with the pictures, I have only just figured it out again myself.
  3. Perhaps you should read some more and you might be able to explain how you get a hi yellow from mack snow parents.
  4. The first is a black and light yellow from mack snow parents. The second is a black and white from mack snow parents and the third is a maybe from hi yellow parents.
  5. The right hand one is a female but can't tell with the left.
  6. Yes. My understanding is that mack snows are not always straight black and white when young and certain characteristics can indicate the gene such as extended white down the front shoulders or very light yellow colouring, and I think pinstriping of the dots also. All of my adult mack snows were black and white as hatchlings and now look like hi yellows. I have some babies this year from "hi yellow" parents that are showing some of the above characteristics. I think there are a lot more mack snows out there than we realise but the problem as always is knowing which ones truely are unless they were black and white as hatchlings and good records are kept. I photograph mine as they hatch and give them a number so I can tell which one I have when they all revert to looking like hi yellows. If both parents are mack snows then the offspring must be and the others that only may be because they have only some characteristics I treat as hi yellows.I have two hi yellow females that have thrown mack snows in the past. One also had twins so there may be some genes out there worth keeping. Time will tell.
  7. Things that survive in our climate when they turn feral and live on native lizards, frogs and birds are a threat to our native species. Animals that cannot survive are not a threat if released. The common threat is diseases that can be carried by these animals. Mrs Google sits on the right hand side of god's mother in law so do a google search on "zoonotic diseases carried by cats" It may awaken some people.
  8. They live in the desert so need a dry environment but need a moist hide to lay eggs in and shed their skin.
  9. Not sure. The mack snows are named after mr and mrs mack who first discovered them.
  10. Salamanders are not legal. Mad but true.
  11. It looks a bit more than just damage and can't see both but suspect they are a pair testing each other in preparation for mating.
  12. Could be oportunistic fungal infection following their little get together or could be columnaris. Keep an eye on them till you figure what to treat.
  13. If it has a mack snow gene it will be a mack snow (which will look like a hi yellow later) if it has 2 mack snow genes (homozygous) it will be a super mack snow and mature to a white with spots as pinstripes.
  14. What does hetro for black and white genes mean? If it was hetro for mack snow and normal it would be a mack snow would it not?
  15. There is so little iodine in table salt that I would doubt that it would make any difference. Most have free running agents added as well and I don't think they make any difference either. I have used all sorts and they all work if you have temperature, light and water movement. Use fresh eggs or refrigerate if using from a can. I used to repack from a can into small plastic bags and refrigerate and they last a fair while.Seawater is pretty good as well and cheap.
  16. Uncanny how similar the markings are to the one below as well. All nice leps.
  17. If someone can explain how to get photobucket to work I will put up a pic. Can't get any sense out of it at present.
  18. back on subject please. Will try to get a pic tomorrow.
  19. I bought twenty tadpoles that were100% ok from Haisly but lost a few in tap water at 45ppm hardness. On his advice I switched to rainwater and the rest all came through. Not the answer.
  20. I have heard about your tank buster but I have never seen another anywhere near that large and I had them for a couple of years. Are you dropping growth hormones in there?
  21. What you are probably forgetting is that it is only a few generations ago that all the baby leps in NZ had the same father. from that people have kept their better babies as breeders and therefore the quality of hi yellows has improved over time. People can put up a picture of a hi yellow a few years old and it will not look as good as a younger one.They will have still bought that as a hi yellow. Some people select for less black to obtain an improvement and some people select for a darker yellow colour. In my experience most of the dark yellow colours are not stable and they lighten with age. What we consider a spectacular hi yellow in NZ would be considered complete rubbish overseas. If we all try to breed to improve what we have that is all we can do. Slanging off at the quality of other breeders stock will not improve the quality but good selective breeding will. Maybe we will end up with some spectacular stock like overseas given time.
  22. Torts are still hard to come by. Leo morphs coming will be mack snows and from that eventually homozygous mack snows. There is the odd touch of new colours coming through but nothing seems to have been fixed yet. Some painted turtles were sold recently but not much has changed. There are probably a few people sitting on stuff they don't want to talk about--both legal and not legal---that is the nature of reptiles as you would be aware.
  23. last pic: large sword is amazonicus,back sword does not look like horizontalis, front left is quadracostatus. Agree about the red one being horamani (spelling?)
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