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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. The pictures all work this morning--must be xmas. I have a little message that pops up and has for about the same time as this problem--could they be related--cuzzies even? Eset Smart Security-Personal Firewall Detected DNS cache poisoning attack Remote IP address Any ideas on how to fix both? All I want for xmas is........
  2. I use bran from the stock food shop--it is cheaper, some use bran and wheat germ. The wharehouse have 3 sizes of mesh cake protectors that make good seives of the right gauge and they fit neatly on top of a large plastic paint tin---makes a very convenient seive set up. They also sell a similar but finer seive that is coloured red or blue.The two dollar shops have even finer seives that are good for mini mealies. Seive the bran and use what passes through the s/s seive for meaworms and what doesn't for your locusts.The seive can also be used to grade the mealworms into large and small. They (and beetles) will not crawl out even if left overnight.The coloured but finer seives are ideal for mini mealworms--beetles and crysalis do not pass through but mini mealworms do (again use the bran that passes through the seive). I use the sets of draws from the wharehouse as they are well ventilated and the mealies don't crawl out and moisture from a carrot. I have seen others use spuds, apple, banana skin, and cabbage leaves. The best is what works for you. Have a good chrissymas.
  3. Killies do best on live food. Do you have peat in the water or him? Most people use peat or salt with Nothobranchius sp. rather than australe. The Nothos tend to get velvet.
  4. Beardies need a dry environment, leps need a moist hide but are also desert animals.
  5. I have seen a well planted tank with frogs and fire bellied newts and it seemed to be successful. I would be a bit worried about the newts getting eaten though.
  6. If your Christchurch ones were from pauljones he sells his when they are still young. Imported ones can be getting on a bit. They will breed pretty young, in fact it is best to breed them as soon as they can.
  7. Will try the above tomorrow so I can swear before xmas---wouldn't want to cause a lightning storm.
  8. At the moment both pics above are great.
  9. How old is it? They don't live very long, parcticularly at higher temperatures. They will do quite well at 20-22 deg C.
  10. I have never used melafix so know nothing about it. Never a good idea to mix meds unless you know exactly what you are doing. Some mixtures can be good but others can be bad. Mind you I haven't used formalin for a long time either. Can help a bit with viruses like holding back neon tetra disease (but only postpones the inevitable)
  11. First one has a small rectangle with a red cross and image in black. Second is the same but image in blue.
  12. Windows xp but have the same problem with chrome
  13. If it has started leaking then the silicone has deteriorated. If a tank is made properly the glue holding the tank together should be enough to make it water tight without the filet. Your tank could be ready to fall apart so replacing the filet will not be what you need. My advice would be to pull the tank apart, clean the rtv from the glass and reglue it. A one sided razor blade will do the job. It is such a pain doing this that we used to charge about as much to do this as a new tank but you can do it if you have the patience. An easier solution would be to convert it to a terrarium and get a lizard.
  14. Formalin is a solution of formaldehyde which is highly toxic but you are no doubt aware of that. You may not be aware that it produces a white precipitate which is even more toxic so don't shake the bottle.
  15. Are any of us financial members now?
  16. Back to no pics. It wont let me copy it just to be a pain. It is a small square with a red cross or a seriies of smal rotatating circles that become the above.
  17. Wouldn't you know it---all perfect this morning. If problem returns will show what happens.
  18. Still can't see the pics. Anyone got any suggestions?
  19. No, a leaking tank means the silicone has failed which means also that there is a risk that you could end up with the total contents of the tank on your floor.
  20. It happens even with pics I have put up in the last few days.Slightly better using chrome but not always.
  21. alanmin4304


    I think the chemicals are available from shops selling supplies for hydroponics. Not my part of the world so can't be more specific sorry.
  22. When I look at pictures loaded on to the site I see a rotating circle of dots or a small small square with a red cross. When I click on them it goes back to photobucket and still no pic. What is the solution?
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