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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. My understanding was that beekeepers destroy swarms and wild hives because of the veroa mite.
  2. I have met people who have kept them a number of years down this way. If they are not in your back yard keeping you awake at night it may be too warm for them. They prefer cooler climes.
  3. The plug is the easy part, getting them to send it to New Zealand is the more difficult part. Unfortunately my fathers grandparents have all died and my mother's grandparents are still busy throwing hagis across the border.
  4. A friend leant me one a few years back and it successfully incubated beardie eggs. I think they have a refrigeration setting and he used it to brumate boxies. They are good but not big capacity for the price. I think they were about $600.
  5. I have never chased colour by temperature (only sex) I go for genetics.
  6. I use them on some of my enclosures and the minimum hysteresis is 1deg C and the overall fluctuation getting on to 3 degrees.
  7. I read somewhere that higher temperatures increase the black colouration. Can't remember where.
  8. The one I have is accurate to about 0.5 deg C but is electronic and I think the hovabator use bellows so I don't know about them. I used one for hatching turtles for a few years and it worked for that and I know people use them for reptiles.
  9. I think both would be suitable for using on enclosures but the hysteresis is one degree on each. By the time you get a bit of lag each side you could have temperature variations of 3-4 degrees and this could be a problem particularly when incubating for males. You may find that the cost of buying a purpose made one would be about the same as an accurate thermostat. I had a couple that got munted in the quakes that I used on aquaria and they were about $340 each. They could be set to a hystersis of 0.1 deg C.
  10. You can use any sort of insulated container that is big enough for what you want to incubate. You need a source of heat and an accurate thermometer and thermostat. The hysteresis need to be about 0.5 degrees which means you need a fairly accurate thermostat. If you use an old fridge or similar you may need a fan to even out the heat a bit. One for males and one for females is good as well. I have two, each with 0.5 deg hysteresis and an electronic thermometer accurate to 0.1 deg C. One has a fan but I don't use it.
  11. I have never kept tropical marines but it has always been a pleasure going there.
  12. Two questions: 1 What is the use of darker colours if it is only temporary and they all end up the same? 2 Have you in your incubation temperatures produced super females and who bought them thinking they would breed from them? The fading of the black bands occurs naturally as they mature to adult patterns.
  13. I bought a baby with dark yellow colouring to see if it would stay that way. It faded to look like a normal high yellow so I resold it. There are a few around that are starting to get differences such as the very light coloured one shown (pastel maybe), some with yellow in the tail rather than white and some with an orange tint. If these characteristics can be extended and fixed we may all have something good. Slagging everyone elses will not improve the quality of yours or theirs.
  14. It is very difficult to tell how many spots a baby will have until it starts to convert to adult markings. My point was that because of the small gene pool in NZ it is quite possible that various new markings will pop up and good luck to those that work hard at it and arrive eventually at something new and spectacular. This will not be achieved by rubbishing everybody elses leps.
  15. Dragonz1833, since you seem to be the only person on here adequately qualified to make the judgement could you answer a few questions for me please? 1 What is the internationally recognised definition of a hi yellow leopard gecko? 2 Is it a yellow lizard with few black spots? 3 Is it a darker coloured yellow lizard that fades out to look like the rest--like Angela has for sale on trademe at present? (and no one seems to want to buy) I have bought these and they do fade out. 4 Is it like the gecko picture on the profile for Angela? 5 Is it just a somewhat meaningless term used by the person who originally bred leopard geckos? Making derogatory remarks about other breeder's geckos will not improve the quality in New Zealand but doing some serious work on them will. There are geckos being sold here and claiming to be all sorts of things but I guess if you show a picture of what you are selling then people can make their own judgement and buy it or not.
  16. can't comment as I can't see the pics.
  17. Is that a problem on the head? What temperature is the tank at and what have you got in there that could take a bite out like that?
  18. For that to be that colour and that weight surely you must have a super mack snow? The only thing is the non pinstriping of the dots, or your skill with manipulating pics.
  19. Is that black and white or just the picture?
  20. It is a male but it would be a lot easier if you did it the way suggested earlier and hold the reptile right way up and lift its tail
  21. I should have switched my brain on. Maybe need more coffee. If mack snows are heterozygous they will have a mack snow and a normal gene so the normals are in there.
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