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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. They can live OK with or without a heater. They originate from waterways around the white cloud mountains in China where it can get very cold. I have had them in ponds year round in Christchurch even with ice on the top in winter. They are easier to convert from hot to cold than cold to hot. You just turn the heater off and get them used to the new water in the pond and they are away. To go back to hot takes a few days.
  2. When I was breeding a lot of fish I used to feed out wingless fruit flies. Only some fish go for them and they are the top feeders which can usually be identified by their mouth. Guppies love them.
  3. Am I a mack snow, a normal or a hi yellow? Both of my parents are mack snows but when adult looked more like normals than hi yellows. (from the original female mack snows now 3 years old)
  4. Have the experts in the US recovered from thanksgiving and come up with the definitive info on Mack snows and Hi yellows?
  5. Total cost of incubator $400.66 plus english to NZ converter plug. Freight was more than I thought but still happy. Has leads to run on 12 volt in the car and also refrigerates automatically when ambiant is excessive. Happy as a wee lizard under a big rock.
  6. The food hygiene regulations and the registration of premises regulations were pretty prescriptive. Now it is about risk and risk abatement. They would be more concerned about your selling cracked duck eggs than pickled gherkins (I would hope)
  7. It used to be that all food for sale had to be prepared in a registered food premises. There have been many changes since the good ol days so who knows what is allowed today. I have been out of it for a while and prior to that it was decided where I worked that all health work would be put out to private contractors so your guess is as good as mine. Ring your Local Authority and you will get the answers you need rather than having all the goods in your stall seized under the food act.
  8. They eat their way through almost anything, that is why I gave up on them. You do not want them in your kitchen cupboards---swwbo may get over excited.
  9. Can you get some of those humidity controlling sachets?
  10. Not a good idea to keep doing it (and how many times has it been done before you got them) but I think it happens a lot. When breeding commercially the gene pool is a lot larger so risks are smaller.
  11. It was far too complicated for me so I looked under the bed and found an English to New Zealand converter plug and it works like a dream.
  12. Did you escape the full body search on return after you told them where you had been?
  13. Much better looking than my old vacuum cleaner.
  14. Us blokes don't need a manual. Just about got it sussed already. Only a wee bit yet to figure out. If red is for stop and green is for go what is the blue one for and shouldn't there be an orange one? I keep banging my head on these rocks.
  15. Promise to read the MANual when it arrives. It is harder for me being left handed as well. The manual always reads backwards. Can always seek advice from my Chinese friend.
  16. My incubator arrives today but I may have to see if I can buy a manual on changing the plug. Not easy while living under stones.
  17. Its probably to do with where the picture is coming from. All I see is a little square with a red star. Living under stones makes it hard for me. You have hit the jackpot with a mack snow (but of course we will have to have that confirmed by the experts).
  18. I feed grass all year round as suggested by repto but I know someone who does the same but also feeds bamboo leaves and corn leaves.
  19. If they were eels the maoris might eat them, if they were turtles the tongans might eat them but all he has to worry about is having aboriginal neighbours.
  20. Quite often you can increase the chances of a safe conversion to submersed growth with emersed stem plants if you steep them in a glass of water on the window sill until they grow roots. They are then less likely to rot off at the bottom.
  21. I keep leo babies in bins so they don't fight and lose tails until I can sex them (two males is not condusive to harmony). Secret squirel told me a way to avoid that with beardies when kept together.
  22. I try to keep a warm end and a cooler end with a number of hides. They invariably lay their eggs in the warm end. Probably 25 to 30 deg C
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