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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. They will die just like the last ones did. They are filter feeders and need massive amounts of water to filter to get enough food to survive.They also live in cold water
  2. You need a rigid lid to suspend heaters and lights but it needs to have some ventilation included.
  3. Aqariums are not really suitable for reptiles. They need to have more ventilation than they provide. They can usually be modified.
  4. The side stripe and the warty back is a bit of a give away. They are more suitable to where you are temperature wise. Not too sure how far north they go--I thought about middle of the north island. I don't know how much location is mixed but I think one pretty well cuts out where the other starts. The whistlers can live in an iceblock I think.
  5. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  6. You can buy the end of rolls of newspaper before it is printed (as used on fish and chips). I don't think the ink is toxic, it was when printing was done with lead type.
  7. alanmin4304

    Hey :-D

    Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  8. Reptiles are not baby humans and are solitary. They only come together to mate or fight over mating or territory. One would be as happy as.
  9. I was thinking about ventilation as well as fixing heat and lights. Hard to put vents into existing glass.
  10. Looks great. What is the lid like?
  11. Don't forget that there is a top and a bottom track and the deeper one goes at the top so you can push the glass up and slot it into the bottom one. I found a while ago that the cost of the glass doors was about the same as getting the edges polished and the ground grooves you see on some of the imported terrariums were super expensive but getting holes drilled and supplying plastic inserts (that look like chromed metal) were not too bad.I forget how long the tracks were but I had to buy enough to make about 3 terrariums. Just checked--none left over.
  12. I have repaired plenty of tanks and found a one sided razor blade the best thing. If you have any doubts about the silicone I would take it all apart, clean with meths and start again. The sliding door tracks I have obtained from hardware stores--one for the top and another for the bottom. They were pretty long lengths I had to buy so not easily posted. Do you have a decent hardware store in Naseby? Might have to get the tracks couriered from civilization.
  13. Humans don't normally discharge diseases of fish and a sewage treatment plant is designed to treat human waste. The plant will reduce human contamination, not remove it and it will give very little treatment to fish diseases if any. Trust me neither humans or fish would enjoy drinking the effluent from a sewage treatment works.
  14. Great to see you here. Welcome.
  15. You can get super females that behave like males but would be more aggressive to males I would have thought. Caused by incubating at temperatures over 91 F. Also this is the first year I have had breeders losing tails (three different females in three different breeding groups) I got one repaired and put back and it happened again. I think it is the females scrapping but I have only seen the results.
  16. They don't feed until they have absorbed their tail.
  17. There is always the question of disease and do we want fish diseases going into our pristine waterways. That of course brings up the question of do we want diseases of humans in our pristine waterways from discharging our sewage there.
  18. If you were not a bloke and had read the instructions you would have discovered that when you bid at the last moment the auction is extended for 2 minutes. Someone read the instructions out loud to me one day.
  19. Try "early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise enough to get to the breakfast auctions". Breakfast for some is lunch for others.
  20. I don't think flushing dead fish is illegal. Flushing live ones might bring the wrath of the SPCA down upon you.
  21. I have a friend that used to make his own bio fuel from it and the "calf fatteners" have pushed the price that high he has given up. They own the irrigation water and the fishy chippy oil as well now.
  22. They don't run on fish and chip oil, they run on fuel made from fish and chip oil. The waste oil is now sold to fatten calves so the price is up and the processing and equipment is not free.
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