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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. It depends how many you want. The only way to breed good numbers is to remove the eggs.
  2. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  3. Fish importers will have suppliers that they have worked with for a long time and the chances of getting an importer to bring in a small number of fish from a probably unknown source would be about as likely as getting a straight banana. The chances of you being approved for importation, bringing in the fish and not going broke are about the same. Learning to love the fish we have would be a lot easier.
  4. It may be hard to believe sometimes but my uninformed guess would be that they know best wether they want to be in the water or on a rock. Given the choice they will decide. Thy have morphed to emerge from the water so now have free choice. Mine do both and I leave them to it.
  5. I guess, or to make a decent mouthfull. Not a problem anyway.
  6. It might pay to use dechlorinator when doing water changes. Because of all the repairs being done to the water mains at present they are likely to be adding chlorine to sanitise the pipes in some areas.There is a meeting of the local fish club (totally tanked) on Sturday at Donna's place, someone there might be able to help.
  7. When they are free swimming they are looking for food and not before.
  8. John Banks reckons 6 days. Are we evolving to replace the axies, lions or africans?
  9. the one in the picture means you avoid the wiring but you would need to buy a plug to convert from UK to NZ. It took weeks not months to get my stuff from USA, Great Britain, Taiwan, China and Hongkong. Happy with it all (apart from some bulbs where I stuffed up on the voltage---nothing wrong with the product, just my brain)
  10. Sorry, don't know. I used small car bulbs on a 12 volt system as it gets the brine shrimp nuplii to rise and the fish are more likely to go for it.
  11. You will need a number of growout tanks if you want to get a lot through. Like most gouramis they grow at considerably different rates and only the largest survive if you don't seperate them by size in order to give the smaller ones a chance to survive and catch up. I also used to keep small pilot lights going at night in order for them to feed 24/7 if they wish. Not a bright light, 12 volt actually.
  12. I think mine came directly from Asia (I bought a heap of stuff at the same time).There is a wiring diagram on it and written instructions on how to set it. A thermostat of some description is better than a dimmer because the latter will vary as the ambient does.
  13. From experience they are not easy to breed unless you have a fish house with warm moist air and lots of very small live food. I used an old blood transfusion setup to continually feed green water until they were big enough to get on to larger livefood in conjunction with green water. It is not easy to get healthy breeding stock either. That is why a lot of importers don't touch them. Not one of the easiest fish for a beginner.
  14. Too early to tell. What morph are the parents? A normal can look like that just as a hi yellow can, you can really only tell by looking at the parents or as the black bands fade and the spots start to show. Few spots will be a hi yellow lots of spots including often on the yellow will be a normal. They will usually come out looking like the parents.
  15. He just said salt would not help---add epsom salts to the tank. Epsom salts was was grandma used for constipation (magnesium sulphate not sodium chloride) Trust the man, he is an expert on discus.
  16. There was a local guy selling plug in dimmers on trademe and I have used them OK. A thermostat is better and you can get them on Ebay land in NZ for about $17 as compared to the $85 ones.They are on the pictures of my enclosures.
  17. They look pretty good. They will stay on there and wiggle then fall off and wiggle then one morning they will swarm. That is when they have absorbed the yolk sac and are looking for food. You feed brine shrimp nuplii then. I have hatched angels in just water, with meth blue, with malachite green,with acriflavine and combinations of all three but not with quinine. You have done the lot and it seems to have worked--well done.
  18. Wunder tonic has a lot more than meth blue in it but good luck.
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