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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. The courts can only apply sentences as outlined in the law and the laws vary. This law allows for reasonable punishments-- others are not as severe. I am just gratefull that I managed to kill the plants I bought or they may have destroyed a lot of my other legal and not cheap plants.
  2. I would be surprised if Auckland water was actually zero nitrate.
  3. I have had most success with livebearer traps that are big enough to leave the females in almost permanently and that way the female and the fry avoid stress. I used to remove the female and fry a few weeks after the event, and put the female back as soon as she is obviously gravid, but way before giving birth.
  4. I agree that all the constituents need to be present for good plant growth so you will not be successful by just adding CO2 or powerfull lighting without all the other requirements.
  5. Only guessing, but I would have thought ammonia would react with water to form ammonium hydroxide and that would put the pH up.
  6. Dropsy is caused by water retention through kidney failure or damage. It can have a number of causes and is usually not curable. The damage often occurs before the fish are imported and is very common in dwarfs. I have tried a number of "cures" but have never managed to save them. The fish would be best destroyed.
  7. Nitrates are produced from the urea from fish (urea-ammonia-nitrite-nitrate) and utilised in the amino acids in the proteins. They are also released when the leaves die and rot, or removed with water changes. A few fish and a lot of plant is the natural balance.
  8. Great job. You should be thinking of a change of career.
  9. Dwarfs are very prone to dropsy, I suspect that is what it is.
  10. alanmin4304


    Only glow danios see at night. I leave a pilot light on all night so they can see the food and eat like mad and grow like mad. My fish have psychological problems as they have had the jumping gene removed.
  11. You can pretty well pick the females at 1-2 weeks by the black spot. You wont get them all but it is usefull to get virgin females.
  12. To answer your original question, most domestic dwellings have a design floor load of 2 kPa or will take a fish tank of 200mm high (weight of water only) if the weight is evenly distributed. Since most fish tanks are a lot taller than that it is important to make sure that the weight is well distributed and not all coming down through four very skinny legs. It should also be situated over as much of the supporting sub floor structure as possible.
  13. I use luncheon but I am very particular which type. I only buy the cheapest and about 3-400grams at a time and keep it in a plastic container with thin plastic between each slice and frozen. Thaw as required.
  14. Nice tank--what is wrong with 7.6?
  15. I use expired potting mix, from repotting.
  16. It is fashionable rather than necessary to use CO2. Your fish provide a much cheaper and easier source of CO2. If you use CO2 you realy need to do a whole lot of other things as well. You need the right lighting and fertilizer balance as well for CO 2 to be any use. I don't use it and I get pretty good plant growth.
  17. If you use flourish excel and do regular water changes to reduce the nutrient it should go away but it takes a few weeks, Apple snails may prefer your plants to algae.
  18. It may be from Section 29 of the Porkies Act.
  19. God gave pineapple lumps to Taumaranui, traffic jams to Aucky and wind to Welly but gave Christchurch a massive storage tank in the ground. I use second hand food grade containers for storing rainwater. 200litre blue drums where the whole lid comes off (used for exporting sausage skins) Brown 200litre drums (for importing Brandy) and 20litre white containers used for spirits (fill your own) in the pub. With the latter vodka has the least smell but most smells can be removed by soaking overnight with a solution of sodium metabisulphate (used by the home brewer up the road to sterilize bottles). You can also buy taps for the latter.
  20. Is it not ilegal to keep salamanders? You can get the thyroid gland from a butcher if you ask for sweetbreads.
  21. I have used S.A.T. lately along with water changes and removing what I can and it is slow but working. The vet gave gave me the big no no a few weeks back so I think antibiotics are going to be harder to get and alternatives more atractive.
  22. Flagyl is mainly used for the control of internal parasites in humans (like amoebiasis--amoebic dysentary) I think. Kills worms in your fish.
  23. All you can do is try to introduce fish from another source whenever you can get them.
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