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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Sorry got my brain in a tangle there.
  2. When you do raise some I would be interested in what you get as they look like hey could be crossed to gold, in which case you should get 25%gold offspring.
  3. Another way would be a drop of meth blue !% and malachite green 1 or 2%. I would hold the fish and dab it on then leave it out of the water as long as you can without stressing it too much. When you return it to the quarantine container it will take some of the meds with it which will be good as well.
  4. Keep an eye on this fish as fungus is an opportunistic infection that usually follows a bacterially infected wound and it may need treating with a bacteriacide like furan.
  5. The infertile eggs go white and also pick up more meth blue if you are using it. The fish clean the eggs and fry and look like they are eating them (and often do ). If you are serious aboutbreeding them you should remove them, then they can't get eaten. Also make sure you have a market and plenty of grow out tanks as they are very productive once they decide to stop eating eggs. The biggest spawning I had was one of the first and was 1226 raised and sold. They can lay every 10 to 14 days for 18 months.
  6. When I was breeding angels I used to provide a 100mm square bit of slate with hooks so it was hanging near the top of the tank. When laid remove eggs and place in a seperate tank with an airstone bubbling close to but not on the eggs. Meth blue is not compulsory -- it stops any fungus from infertile eggs spreading to fertile ones.
  7. The old heaters had a seperate thermostat and heater and I think someone had some on this site a while ago. I have an electronic one which is + or - 1 deg. but the old bimetallics would be cheaper. I think you may need a bit more grunt in your heater to allow for the poor heat trasmission. My tank is 1200 x 450 x 400mm HIGH and is 300 watts (probably overkill but it works)
  8. RTV will not stick to some plastics including PVC. You will need to make proper plumbing connections (depending on the materials).
  9. I was advised to add baking soda when told about this method while standing on a mountain with a couple of slabs of stone. I assume it increases the carbonate hardness and encourages the wee fellas to hatch.
  10. 50 grams / litre and add a large pinch of baking soda.
  11. It don't take mush to gitem going
  12. If you are using a heater: When mix is pink rather than brown, turn off heater and and air then let stand about 10-15 minutes. Hatched shrimp will seperate from shells and can be drained off. Best results are to drain off to another conainer with an airstone and store until required. Clean apparatus and set up again.
  13. Annuals may not live as long but they sure do grow quick. In the shops in 6 weeks--- not many fish you can do that with. The main disadvantage is their love of velvet, and susceptability to copper. Generally very bright males also. Bit like humans realy
  14. I have a six killie tanks heated by a heat pad made by Argos in Christchurch and controlled by one electronic thermostat from Homershams. I can control the temperature in the tanks by having different water levals to the one with the thermostat probe and have no problem with moisture as they have tight fitting lids and no aeration or filters to worry about leeds from. An old fashioned bimetallic thermostat would be cheaper than an electronic one. You need to give Argos the footprint and wattage you want and they make it (the heating wires are sealed between two layers of foil). The tank is 1200 x 450 x 400mm high and divided into six. The front and back are 10mm higher than the ends and the lid is polycarbonate with a small nick to allow for the thermostat probe. The end compartments are one degree lower if the water is the same leval. Works for me.
  15. The only fish that don't like it in my tanks are guppies and thay are producing replacements OK. I use at the normal rate and do a 50% water change once a week. I understand that the flourish has an algacidal effect but mainly encourages the plants to grow and therefore strip the nutrient from the algae. I leave the lights on and do water changes to help also. It works but it takes a few weeks.
  16. Aeration and heat are not only important but necessary. I use the inverted coke bottle trick with a small element added and it works a treat. A local member might be able to show you---I don't think you will have a lot of success otherwise.
  17. My guppies don't eat their young either---I put the females in a trap.
  18. Cultivating water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) would be as popular with the powers that be as breeding glow danios or smuggling plants.
  19. The pity is that I think many of the plants we have now were originally smuggled. Plants that were not permitted 25 years ago (Echinodorus sp. for example) are now permitted because they are already here. He made a big mistake, got caught and will pay for it. In my view he will then have paid his debt to us all. The death penalty never stopped murder.
  20. I have a 300mm pleco with adult turtles wthout any problems. They have grown up together from being babies.
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