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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. You may need a small fan running continuously or you will get considerable heat layering.
  2. You will need some larger tanks to grow out the fry.
  3. It is hard to know and may depend on your pairs. That is about the territory they will defend so may help them be better parents if you are leaving the eggs. I have not done it and always removed the eggs as I wanted to rear angels rather than watch them eat the fry. They are big fish and I think would be better in a 600 x 300 x x300mm tank for each pair.
  4. I am realy only breeding nigeratum and have sent eggs with little success so far. Amazonian comes down regularly and might bring some back for you if you spoke to him nicely.
  5. It sounds like it may have been written by a secondhand car salesman. If you get the balance right the bacteria will do the same thing and that is what cycling the tank is all about. Keep it simple---it does work.
  6. I have bred both without worrying about the light.
  7. I don't know, but would suspect that it is called ammolock because it locks the ammonia up.
  8. Sorry I didn't make it as I had hoped, something else came up and it was getting a bit late---maybe next time.
  9. Ammonia and ammonium are for all intents the same thing as ammonia does not just disolve in water , it reacts to form ammonium hydroxide. The cycling process is destroyed if you remove the ammonia because the bacteria feeding on it will die from starvation and your tank then becomes "uncycled"
  10. I have been using both for a while and they are both good.
  11. As you are proposing, my 1200 x 450 x 450mm is 10mm glass. If you want a spectacular looking planted tank go wider rather than higher and place mirrors on the ends and back and the plants (with reflections)look like they go on forever. I bought some thin mirrored glass that is plastic coated and it looks great. It also seems to increase the lighting.
  12. If you want to propagate plants successfully you need to remember about the light. If you are growing plants successfully in a tank that is 300mm high then you will not need twice the light on 600mm high but probably 10 times to get adequate light to the bottom of the tank and at this stage you may have too much at the top and cause algae problems. I have a 1200 x 500mm tank which grows plant well but it contains mainly large Echinodorus plants and they grow almost to the surface and get adequate light that way. The shorter plants don't do as well though. It only has 60 watts of floros but they are on 17 hours/day. Works for me. The tank is also on a low stand so it is easy to get at.
  13. I have a tank that size that grows plant realy well.
  14. Eating algae is good but eating algae and plant is not so good.
  15. The reason the local authorites supply water that is slightly alkaline is so it will not corrode copper or brass in the plumbing system.
  16. I have newts also but use floro lights on a timer to keep the plants growing OK. These bulbs radiate heat and would give off too much I think.
  17. I have seen heat lamp bulbs with screw fittings for sale in a pet shop for about $50. I use them on my baby turtle tank and was advised that a party bulb for $7 would do the same thing. When $2 shop had a sale for half price recently I bought all their red bulbs and they were $2 for a pair. In my case it is the heat I am after, but that is a big difference in price. They are not as good for quality but who cares at that price. They were 60 and 100 watt.
  18. It all depends on the concentration of course.
  19. Chelated copper sulphate has 4 to 1 citric acid added to it and it slows the absorbing of copper through the gills and therefore makes it less toxic for fish. Used to treat velvet and a number of other problems but can cause temporary sterility. I killed over 300 Nothobranchius guentheri (killies) almost instantly treating for velvet and I used 1/6 of the normal dose. It is the main ingredient in meds to control snails but is not used in aquariums for algae control that I am aware of. I would leave it in the jar.
  20. I think most of the red swords (barthii, red special, red rubin) are pretty big. The smaller ones are ozelot and leopard and ozelot woud be the redder of the two under the conditions you describe, but red blotches rather than red. I can supply a young one of red special or ozelot if you are interested pm me.
  21. Any of the Echinodorus sp. (amazon swords) should do well
  22. Rainwater will be your cheapest option and is not likely to be contaminated with any more bird droppings than many of the worlds water supplies. It may be a bit acid from acid rain if you are getting SO2 from from air polution. I use rainwate to breed killies as it is soft and acid.
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