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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. The males develop lumps on the gill plates and leading edge of the pectoral fins when in condition. Romance should not end in a trip to the vet.
  2. alanmin4304


    The worms are probably tubifex and harmless. 30 years ago most pet shops sold live tubifex and most peiple fed them to their fish. They would come in with live food or plants from a waterway. They will be thrivng on left over food and waste as will the planaria. The dose of formalin to kill planaria is 12mls of 35% per 100litres and will kill plants and fish. The easiest way is to cut right back on feeding and vacuum the media regularly.
  3. It sounds as though they have been damaged on some sharp object---possibly trying to escape from cats.
  4. alanmin4304

    Jewel fry

    You may need to start thinking now about how you are going to get rid of 200 jewels when they grow up to be big and nasty. Lovely looking fish but hard to get rid of ---I only bred them the once.
  5. In my view you are on the right track. If you add fish slowly the system will adjust and be fine. I never could find the formula for how many dead shrimps are equivalent to 3 guppies and a corry.
  6. Did you know grasshoppers have their ears in their legs. If you train them to jump when you say jump then pull their legs off they don't jump because they can't hear you---bollocks.
  7. I use one (bought from trademe) and it is good. You still need to look after them by cutting clean glass and only making one cut etc.
  8. I was trying to advise avoiding getting the house infested with american or german cockroaches as they are very hard to kill off. Pushed the wrong button or forgot to engage brain.
  9. Damp but not wet---about the consistency of grandfather's baccy
  10. I would stay away from the imported ones as they are very difficult to get rid of if your house gets infected. I understand there are many native ones which may not be as likely to infect your house. Someone with more knowledge might help.
  11. I have driftwood in with mine without any problems. If it is from the sea it is bound to contain salt. Salt is very soluble and can be removed easily--- just pretend it is a muttonbird and boil it 3 times in fresh water. (then eat the pot)
  12. Females can have black in the tail as well as males.
  13. The nets are ideal for sorting other live foods like daphnia if you stack them with course on top down to the finest you get the complete range of food sizes.
  14. I have a set of 4 nets of varios mesh sizes which I bought off trademe or someone on this site. The fine one is ideal and sits on a cutdown coke bottle.
  15. They wont breed outside down here until near on xmas so no rush.
  16. They are easier to convert from hot to cold than the other way ---just turn the heater off. Warming them up is best done over a few days.
  17. I have a friend with two half barrels with lillies and I gave him some white clouds and they have survived the winter down here OK---pretty hardy.
  18. When making tanks commercially we used silaflex but I now get selleys as it is the cheapest from Bunnings.
  19. I understand that they react with the moisture in the air when curing and hence will cure underwater. They give off some acetic acid also but the quantity would not be enough to cause a problem.
  20. I agree, furan would be best.
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