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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. The microworms will settle to the bottom and get left in the jug. They will stay alive for most of the time you are at school if you put them in with the fry.
  2. There is a reason why people grow out discus in bare tanks with lots of water changes and that is to reduce the nutrients. This is not compatable with realy good plant growth. Killies are compatable with good plant growth so you might want to cosider joining the NZKA. The lower temperature and hiding places are a combination that works. You can keep discus in a high plant growth tank but it is not the way to get them to grow out well I don't think.
  3. The only potential contaminant from beach wood would be salt and that is so soluble that it will be gone just about straight away. The only real problem with the leachate including tanins is the colour (if you don't like it) and that will go also if you change the water.
  4. Something to consider with your proposal is that if you have strong light and supplementary CO2 you will also need to add fertilizers if you wish to obtain the good plant growth that you seem to be aiming for. This high nutrient leval may not be compatable with good growth of discus so you are therefore heading for a compromise and will need to decide which direction you wish that to take.
  5. Way to go---killies and plants Nice pics
  6. Most element/thermostats will range about a degree each way and it is not a problem.
  7. It is all a matter of personal preference and what you want to achieve. I have used a combination of growlux type tubes and cool white with a tenth of the wattage in incandescent for many years with success. I tried the daylight tubes for a year but reverted to the old way. There are different brands of growlux type tubes and they will have slightly different colour output but I put them in the front because they make the fish look better. I would say to try different things and go with what works for you. That also includes the time the lights are on and what type of plants you are growing.
  8. alanmin4304

    How long

    They will do better if you seperate them out by size.
  9. How is the ammonia getting in to your water supply? Where does the supply come from?
  10. As an early riser I was having a look (5am) at that unmentionable site where the mentioning can result in excommunication. Spotted some auctions for oxygen weed with a picture of Lagarosiphon. I left a note for the seller then remembered others mentioning a lack of response so I also reported it to THAT SITE. Removed by THAT SITE by 8.30am. So it can work.
  11. Everyone has their own ideas I guess. I have three adult turtles in a large tank under a window with no heat lamp or UV light and they have been Ok for 10 years. They frequently bask on a platform and dont hibernate in the winter. I drop the temperature from 25 to 22 in the autumn and up again in the spring. I have babies in an area with no windows or natural light and they have a heat lamp, and a UV light on a timer.
  12. I often use organoil to finish wood with. It contains a number of oils and can give a finish without the heavy shine if you prefer. I have just built a shelf in the kitchen above the stove from rimu and treated with organoil to bring out the colour, then finished with polyeurathane to waterproof.
  13. They can be easily recognised as eggs and will be stuck to something. They often lay in small clumps on the glass near the bottom to middle.
  14. R. E. Turtle hatching rates for 2007-2008: Out of 12 batches of eggs totalling 83 I hatched 50 and 3 died in the first week. How does this compare to others out there? 60% doesn't seem that good.
  15. 1 drop/litre is approx equal to 1ml/20litres
  16. Look at the quality of the tank of red cap orandas and work out how many fish were culled to end up with a tank of that quality (considering they would have kept the best ones to be future breeders). I would be surprised if there were that many red cap orandas of that quality in the whole of NZ.
  17. Depends how cold is cold. With heated tanks in the room the temperature should be better than it was here this morning. It should be OK, as it will take pretty low temperatures and light. Just keep an eye on it. It grows OK in one of my tanks with the only light being through a window.
  18. Which are the best ones to convert to tropical fresh water?
  19. What do you feed them, or do they live on algae and leftovers?
  20. How difficult and how do you convert shrimp to tropical temps---say 22-23 deg C.
  21. alanmin4304


    I think you are best to keep the Nothos seperated and put them together for a while when spawning them. The males are relentless drivers and will give the females a hard time if left together permanently. It is easy to get rid of snails from a bare tank so you wont have a problem with the eggs then.
  22. Scat? Is there a red one?
  23. It often does cost heaps but it depends on what is contained in the district and Regional plans. I managed to convince the Local Authority that it had existing use rights and that the operation would comply as a home based occupation. Setting up a new one today might not be as easy. So much depends on what they define as a complying use. Quarantine has so many potential problems that they don't usually make provision for it.
  24. There are a lot of critical factors with UV sterilizers. They are realy sanitizers and the temperature, flow rate, water clarity, depth of water being treated as well as the age of the bulb all add or detract from the effectiveness of the system.
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