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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. You can believe it or not. Neither is compulsary.
  2. Thanks for that kind comment. I try to make sure they don't leak in the post and get there in one piece because they are not approved material to send by post so you have no claim if it turns to custard.
  3. What I do is plant the tank heavily and let it settle for a couple of days then add the fish slowly and give the bacteria a chance to multiply to meet the food being produced, then add a few more slowly. I think fishless cycling is a load of old cobblers, but each to their own. Plants help in getting the balance established as the whole thing is a living system.
  4. I have on many accasions bought Rotala wallichii and each time I have grown it emersed and got it to flower it has turned out to be Rotala rotundifolia withe the pink flowers. Wallichii has white flowers and I have yet to find it. There are two types around and one is redder than the other and was sold as wallichii.
  5. Snail rid is copper sulphate and can kill fish that are sensitive to it. Copper sulphate is cheaper and works Ok without fish.
  6. I think in Queensland--all of the above.
  7. You must have by now realised that unlike us the rest of the world is actually demented,bi polar and schizoid. No comments please from the rest of the world
  8. I would do that and also keep an eye on the GBA
  9. How long before she wants a fish tank? Congrats--didn't you both do well.
  10. My brother is in Queensland and is totally surprised that I breed them as they are shot on site over there.
  11. Yes. The small gouramis are prone to it.
  12. alanmin4304

    Fish dying

    Fin rot is a bacterial infection that often comes after damage which as suggested could have arisen from mating but I have no idea how to treat fish in 30000litres without moving towards bankruptcy. Improved water conditions and treatment with antibiotics is the usual cure---but that is a lot of water. There are a number of bacteria naturally in the soil that can cause disease in goldfish if they multiply to a high level and they also need to be treated with antibiotics. Sorry I can't realy help---you need some input from someone with experience with large ponds.
  13. There are a lot of insects exported from Asia at the moment I think, particularly butterflies, big beetles and scorpians. You could probably buy them mounted in their markets.
  14. My brother used to get called up to donate blood but it was some other facter that they were after rather than the AB neg.
  15. I think AB- can take from any neg and AB+ can take from any pos. I think a negative mother's blood attacks a positive baby but the greatest problem is after the first child as the antibodies are increased. Negative mother and negative father no probs but pos father can produce a pos baby.
  16. What gets me is that these people usually take others with them.
  17. I am b- and my brother is ab- (if I remember correctly ab is the universal receiver)
  18. It is hard to tell when they are young but my guess would be E. bleheri because that has a slightly wider leaf and a longer stalk than E. amazonicus.
  19. dropsy--for all intents incurable. Caused by a build up of fluid in the body due to kidney failure from a number of causes. Cotton mouth looks like fungus but is actually a bacteria and needs to be treated with a bacteriacide.
  20. Holes in leaves can be caused by a lack of potasium
  21. They will hatch and still be holding by a thread, then will fall to the floor. Don't feed at all until they are free swimming then feed live brine shrimp nuplii if possible. You will see the brine shrimp colour in their stomachs when they are feeding.
  22. In my experience none of these fish will eat black beard algae if there is other algae or food available. Saes are better at eating algae when smaller.
  23. Just leave the axies in peace to eat each other
  24. I use 50/50 growlux type (20000k) and cool white (4000k) on my planted tanks. Many people use daylight (6500K)
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