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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Sometimes it does---can only try
  2. Don't forget how many tanks and how much space you will need when you breed some of these fish. Angels can spawn every 10-14 days.
  3. Get a pair and breed them and you should have more than the tank will hold.
  4. Nitrate is bit high high but water changes will do the trick.
  5. Well I learn something every day.
  6. If you want fry you could always remove the eggs. Hard for them ( or more likely the clowns) to eat them then.
  7. It is usually the inlet pipe that clogs up and blowing water from the tap through it against the normal flow direction will usually clean it out pretty good.
  8. Malachite green, quinine or mepacrine. Malachite green is the easiest to get hold of. Meth blue is used also and if you have got rid of the spots you may have cured the white spot. The other signs look like they could be caused by a bacterial infection and Furan 2 is possibly the easiest to get that would treat that (and white spot).
  9. How would the government be shareholders in the plant producing 1080?
  10. I have them in a 600x600x600mm glass tank with a wooden lid and insulated with polystyrene bottom and sides. Heated by a 60 watt light bulb to 30-35 deg C. Eggs are layed in a 2 litre icecream container of 25% pumice sand and 75% vermiculite which has been made and maintained moist. When eggs are laid the container is replaced by a new one and the old moved to an identical set up to hatch. The bottom of each container is filled to level with the top of the icecream container with wood shavings and the tray with eggs is covered with glad wrap to keep them moist. Breeders and young are fed with grass twice daily.
  11. If your mum thinks they are cute what does she think of the albino green and gold bell frogs?
  12. Your black marble angels are probably fish with two genes for marble rather than marble/black. I can't remember but I think black is dominant over marble so a black/marble would look black.
  13. alanmin4304


    You can add it then add your fish slowly to allow the balance between the bacteria and the food from the fish to get into balance.
  14. That would show how hard it is to get the licence
  15. It is a heater/thermastat set at 18 deg to keep the water warm, but they live mainly on the land so it takes the chill of them during realy cold times. It is on when the thermostat cuts in below 18 deg. It is 18 deg because that is about as low as they go.
  16. A heater is good if it is very cold at night. I sold some which were killed overnight because it was too cold. A heater at 18 degrees solved the problem because even though they may not be in the water it raises the background temperature. When a bit older they will be more tolerent of the cold. I have 2 x 8 watt flouros in mine to grow real plant but you are best to get low light plants anyway.
  17. I put mine in a plastic bag with a teaspoon of water and a little air to stop the bag being squashed. Place that bag in another bag and put all that in a carton so it doesnt get squashed. If you can make the box less than 70mm thick it can go fastpost and is quicker.
  18. I think you have a lot of big steps to take before you bring anything into the country. Trustme, you can borrow my teeshirt if you wish.
  19. An antifungal remedy will treat fungal disease, not whitespot which is a parasite. In my view meth blue is a better fungal treatment than parasite treatment.
  20. I find sand holds it down better than gravel (still get a problem if pulling out deep rooted plants)
  21. I use it in all my planted tanks but under washed sand and I have no problem with it.
  22. When I was importing the Chlorine treatment required was 50ppm for 48 hours. You can neutralize the chlorine with sodium thiosulphate but that does not get you around the volume of water problem. A septic tank size is determined to give a 48 hour retention so increased volumes will simply flush the solids and destroy the disposal system. Using Sodium thiosulphate to neutralize the chlorine will also cause another problem called salinification which also destroys the effluent disposal system. There is a section in the building code which explains that. As I mentioned earlier you should discuss these issues with Maf and your Local and Regional Councils because the issues will be different in each location as the circumstances will be different.
  23. It is the same principle as a sludge digester at the sewage works (except that it is aerobic). The bacteria convert urea to ammonia, ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate but they also need other sources of food which they get from the water column and gunge. The bacteria multiply to a balance with the food available and that is why you get spikes when things get out of balance by adding too many fish to quickly for instance.I think people often forget that it is an organic filter and the physical filtration is realy trapping the food for the bacteria to feast on and multiply.
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