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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. The bacteria are lodged on the waste and if you clean it off thoroughly you remove most of the bacteria.
  2. Sometimes the filter is clogged because the pipes (particularly the inlet pipe) is clogged and the filter itself is not too bad. Don't forget that these filters are biological filters and only work well when partly gunged up with crud so don't go all clean/clean on it.
  3. Things happen for a reason, it is just that it takes us a while to work out why sometimes. One door closes and another opens so good luck in the future.
  4. The genes are in pairs and black is a week gene so you can breed black to gold or slilver and get some of each. If you breed black to black you will get at least 25%black/black I used to breed black zebra lace veil tail to gold and you will get a good selection of angels on your price list.
  5. I have every respect for people who like cats, look after them properly and keep them confined to there own property. Most cat owners do not. If a dog did what this cat did it would be put down and there would be more talk about banning the breed. I just find it hard to follow the logic---shoot a dog and give a cat mind bending drugs. I apologise as my intention was not to offend someone obviously concerned about their pet but to try and understand the logic.
  6. Your septic tank size is determined by the potential occupancy of the dwelling it is serving and will not cope with added loading from fish tanks and water treated with chlorine to Maf requirements. You may need a discharge consent from the Regional Council as well as a seperately designed disposal system.
  7. They don't like it too cold or too hot. Mine range from about 10 deg to early twenties but I don't think they would do well at a constant temperature of late twenties. I suspect the morphing has more to do with size than age so good food will help speed things up. There is a time for everything and I think animals do best if nature takes its course.
  8. The answer may well be no. Contact Maf as well as the Regional and Local Authority. They are the people who will decide, not us. The requirements vary in different locations because different location vary.
  9. Meal worms are usually a bit big also. Fruitflies, daphnia, whiteworms, bloodworms, mossies and aphids would be good.
  10. They wouldn't know what it was in the pet store other than it was a plant at so much a bunch. I have both but have very little at this time of year because I grow it emersed and am trying to hold a little til the spring. There are pople on this site who sell it from time to time --suggest you ask on the buy/sell section.
  11. If you want low plants try Echinodorus tenellus latifolius or Sagittaria microfolia as they need less light than most of the others.
  12. If the framing is subjected to the weather or dampness from inside the building there is something wrong with the linings and the way the building is designed and constructed.
  13. It takes 3 months for them to morph so eggs laid now will be morphing around xmas anyway. No one is likely to sell them to you and keep them until xmas if there are plenty of people willing to buy them and take them away.
  14. After a few bad tries I finally got my first lot of baby locusts today and the frogs are smiling (as they do). Confucius him say "If it don't work the first time kick the hell out of it"
  15. If they are in the pet shop now they must be morphing now.
  16. Councils take different views on containers both under the Building Code and District Plan so often you cannot just dump it there. It is not unreasonable to class it as a relocated building if that is what it is being used for. You can say that if you use it as a building it is a building. As well as that a quarantine facility needs to be approved by Maf (who require the approval of the District and Regional Council)
  17. Off to the optician I go.
  18. I am actually in favour of getting rid of all cats. They are untrainable (not like a dog) are usually left to roam the neighbourhood at night behaving like serial killers, dig up my garden and leave extremely odoursome deposits, terrorise my pet birds and goldfish, make love on my back lawn in such a loud and obnoxious way that you or I would be arrested, carry all of the diseases they catch from rats and mice that they chase as well as a few of their own and are generally not nice critters. Ban them all I say. The only good thing about cats is that they produce top quality grapes.
  19. You could try leaving the lights on for 18 hours/day and see if things improve.
  20. At your age you may have more patience than me when dealing with Maf. I sure hope you do and wish you all the best in your new indeaver.
  21. The bond is not held by the renting agent.
  22. Keep your eye on the gumboot by the back door.
  23. Bubble and Squeek have them for $80 and they are Japanese juveniles. I also heard a rumour that Pet world might be getting some in today (Japanese juveniles) but I don't know how much.
  24. I see it is banned in some parts of USA.
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