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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. But are the Sag. flowers male or female?
  2. The raised spots are not a male getting into the joys of spring? Hemorrrhagic septicemia can also be viral so antibiotics will not work if it is.
  3. The same thing happened to me a while ago and I have used furan2 ever since without problems. It must happen pretty quickly because it was in a 250 litre tank which was not heavily stocked. I moved the fish to another tank as soon as I noticed they were stressed but they all died over a period of about a week. Mine were female killies.
  4. snail rid (copper sulphate) kills snails (and fish) but can be dosed a few times stronger than instructions but must be rinsed off well before going in the tank. I think plants going into quarantine were treated with alum but I don't know the concentratration and I think it was hard on the plants.
  5. Blue green algae usually turns up when the nitrate / phospate ratio gets out of whack. Too much phosphate can be caused by using the wrong foods and can be reduced with water changes and the ratio improved by adding Pot. nitrate (available from hydroponics places. If you get rid of it and the ratios are still out of whack it will come back. Sorry, I have put you wrong with the H2O2---it can be used to get rid of black beard algae. Furan2 can also be used to kill cyanobacter. It can be expensive but easier to obtain than eurethromycin and no vet fees. 1 cap/40litres then vac gravel and same next day.
  6. Adding nitrate to put it up to about 20ppm will sometimes help as will hydrogen peroxide sometimes.
  7. A morphed axy is an unwanted organism so anyone who admits to having one and puts up a picture would have to be a blond.
  8. I can't remember. It is on the bottle. You dose once, then again a few days late I think
  9. Snail rid from the local pet shop is a 1% solution of copper as copper sulphate and kills snails (and fish) With no fish you could double or triple the dose and you will knock the wee sods right off. Just make sure you rinse the copper off before adding fish. Pot permangenate is a strong oxidising agent and oxidises lots of things as well as the snails, but I have used copper at many times the dose and had no problems with the plants. I wouldn't put it near fish like that though.
  10. What you are forgetting is that the laws are made in parliament by the politicians you elect (and soon can toss out or re elect) The bureaucrats only do what the politicians direct them to do by the laws they make. This being the case, the time is fast upon us to ask out prospective politicians what their views are before the elections. The politicians love it when people run around blaming the bureaucrats because no one is then asking them which way they voted in parliament so they don't have to take responsibility for their actions.
  11. You could chat up your local butcher but Maf might think you are a naughty person and then you might never get to heaven. Is there any point in having one morphed other than morbid curiosity? I guess, if they wanted to morph they would do so.
  12. I don't have a calorimeter but I do have an easy connection to a hot tap.
  13. I change a lot more than 10%. 10% is about as useful as a proverbial. If you change 50% and cold is 10 deg and tank is 30 deg final temperature will be 20 deg will it not?
  14. In a design like that the only thing that would realy matter would be "friction loss" which is the loss of head caused by friction of the water moving through the system (including the resistance to the flow caused by the sponges on the inlets and the friction of the water moving through the pipes and pumps. The larger the pipe diameter, the less friction loss in the pipes. There is no head as the water level is the same above the inlet as it is above the outlet.
  15. What are you treating and for what?
  16. I think you are right. There are a number of types including natives. Mayaca is not hard and wirey
  17. I have someone who owed me a few grand. I established the debt at the small claims and have been back to court about a dozen times with orders of examination and attatchment orders. She has had arrest warrents issued half a dozen times. At the last hearing it was established that her fortnightly income after expenses and payment of other debts was over minus $47/fortnight. Somehow she decided to pay me $50/fortnight until she regained full emplyment, then $100, and to my surprise I got the first payment this week and it was $100. Long may it last. I have been chasing this lady for many years and will be for many more. You have to hound these people or they just go and do it to someone else and never take responsibility for their own lives.
  18. Amazonian, have you glued the air hose into the container or have you used a gromet and if so, where did you get them from?
  19. Tell animates to join the library and read a couple of books.
  20. Any of the micronutrients will make the water cloudy if you don't have the right depth of the right material to keep it down as it is based on clay and can get quite colloidal. I use JBL Aquabases but Daltons is probably similar. Put washed sand over the top and add the water into a jug sitting on a dinner plate so the media doesn't get stirred up.
  21. I have one 1250ml bottle with an air hose in the bottom and an element in the top. Every 24 hours I turn off the heater and air and let it settle for five minutes then run all the live brinies out the hose and into another container. Seive off half and feed out and keep the rest in a jar with and airstone to feed out later. Fresh stuff every day and no hassles---how it should be.
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