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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. In my experience they are active during high pressure systems regardless of other weather conditions.
  2. Supply and demand---let the market sort itself out--private enerprise--the American dream--Have the Government buy the lending institutions debts out with citizen's money. George W is more of a communist than Muldoon was.
  3. Those airstone things would just take up room better occupied by fish and O2
  4. Has your water been filtered by the dairy herd upstream?
  5. Make yourself feel good and buy it from the garden centre. They probably got their sand from the same beach the night before.
  6. If the bags are about 1/4 water or less with oxygen they should be OK for at least 36 hours.
  7. They are expensive as you usually need to rent them and the rent is worth more than the value of the fish. I have been given one which cannot be filled as it was one of the old exchange ones. What I did before that was go to a friend's place with an oxy-acetylene welding setup or chat up the local pet shop for a donation and fill up a large plastic bag (or a condom--tell the curious onlookers while driving home that your a student and it is a capping stunt.) You could pinch some off the person next door with breathing problems but you might have to slash the tyres on their weelchair first so you can make a clean gettaway.
  8. I think Living Art was on to it. We are the product of our own experiences and what we believe is related to that. There is no right and wrong as it is the individual's own truth. I just wish people would realise that and be a little more tolerant and realise that there are more truths than their own. The world might be a better place.
  9. My partner loves them and we have quite a collection. One of the local pet shops specializes in them so she often gets another one if I feel guilty about buying fish.
  10. peat moss is sphagnum moss which sphagnum peat comes from. The difference is a few hundred years. They are not the same thing and are not interchangeable.
  11. It depends a bit on what you want it to be OK for. Some plants and some fish prefer alkaline water so a bit of shell would be good. No good for soft acid conditions.
  12. How much water are you changing?
  13. Water changes and feeding with low phosphate food is even better value for your buck.
  14. Zabman--What is the flower in your avitar?
  15. Under gravel filters are great but you need to set the media up with the filter in mind. They are the same principle as a trickle sand filter used in water treatment where the media is graded and does the filtering. They would not be suitable to use with fine micronutrients like daltons or JBL as they will bring all the fine stuff up to the surface. The plants suggested like Java Fern and Anubias feed through the leaves pretty much so don't need feeding heavily through the roots. In my view undergravels work best when your plant fertilizer is mainly fish poo.
  16. A friend of mine who was living with the locals in a country that NZ was never in during the Vietnam conflict, was offered food by the locals and part of the meal was monkey and he swore it looked just like a freshly cooked human baby.
  17. Wether you use pot permangenate, snail rid, copper sulphate, alum or something else be sure to treat the plants away from the fish and rinse them very well before puting them back in with fish.
  18. Spirituality has nothing to do with education or intelligence it is simply a matter of believing that "when your dead your dead" or that "when you are dead only your body dies." There are very well educated and intelligent people who believe each way.
  19. I don't know what plant this is as I have never grown Mayaca (it needs more light than I use) and I have never grown Rotala wallichii because I could never obtain it. On the many occasions I have bought it and grown it emersed it has turned out to be rotundifolia. You pays your money and takes your pick. My pick is that it is a type of Mayaca but I aint paying any money. Mrs Google is not God's Mother in Law so you could probably find examples of both being called red pine and that is one of the problems with using common names. It is however a great looking plant if you have light strong enough to keep it alive.
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