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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I think many people who would vote Republican were put off by the thought of McCain dying and being replaced by a loose canon. Clinton is a lawyer, Nixon's second name is watergate, Regan was an actor and George W is an oil magnate so how are they better qualified? I wish him and the USA all the best and hope he helps restore the good name of the American people.
  2. I frequently have a lot of lead in tanks holding plants and have never had a problem. Lead is not very reactive and therefore does not go into solution easily. The old lead used for ridge flashings is not coated when new and that is what I use. The new lead flashing is coated because lead is not compatable with zincalume, but the coating is protect the lead from contact with the zincalume and will also be OK.
  3. Amongst other things it will complete the nitrogen cycle as the leaves decompose and release nitrogen again. It may therefore increase the risk of algae problems (if that is a problem)
  4. Any person elected as President of the USA would have to have no experience unless it was their second term.
  5. Your Bacopa is Mexican oakleaf (Shinnersia rivularis) and your third to last picture is Bacopa monniera
  6. alanmin4304


    Adding an airstone and a little methylene blue would help. Also get your brine shrimp hatching underway.
  7. If you can post a picture someone should be able to help, otherwise we are working blind.
  8. I understand that the ink in newspapers no longer contains lead.
  9. Get them before they get to the bitey stage.
  10. Even the Americans are admitting it is time for a change.
  11. I have not bred axies but Japanese fire bellies will eat smaller siblings and I understand axies are the same so grade them out in containers of about the same size. I have up to 10 small containers at any time.
  12. It has only been 3-4 days so it wont be tails. Sometimes if the eggs are infertile and are bacterially infected they can produce gas which will push a "tail" out. For this to happen the eggs would be white. If they are clear and you have added meth blue go have a cup of coffee and be patient. You will see the baby fish in the egg in a few days if they are OK.
  13. They are very heavy feeders and need more light than normally available in an aquarium.
  14. alanmin4304

    Fungus HELP!!!

    A picture would help.
  15. If you have had two shocks in the last year might I suggest that you will live a bit longer if you get someone who knows what they are doing to wire it up.
  16. Could be Echinodorus barthii.
  17. And don't forget to earth the ballast..
  18. It is possible but I would like a picture of it as a frog. The albino green and gold bell frogs are very nice looking frogs.
  19. It sounds like Echinodorus cordifolius marble queen and the marbling may be stronger on emersed leaves. Had it but got rid of it---too big for me.
  20. It is pretty small for a marble sword. They are basically a verigated cordifolius and will grow over a meter tall. It may well be though.
  21. Furan should do the job with the bacteria if you use it as per instructions. I would get a cotton bud and dab methylene blue or malachite green (or both)straight onto the wound in concentrated form. Catch the fish and hold it in the net and dab it on the wound but avoid getting it in the eyes. Hold it out of the water as long as you can.
  22. Antibiotics kill bacteria and tonic pays the power bill for the pet shop. What you need is a fungicide. Fungus infection is usually an oportunistic infection of a bacterially infected wound so you usually need a bacteriacide (antibiotic) and a fungicide. Which antibiotic did you use?
  23. If you seperate them you tend to get a bigger cluster of eggs in a shorter time which makes the fry easier to rear as they are nearer the same age/size. This can also be done by storing the eggs on peat but I don't have as much luck that way.
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