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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. If it is red it is probably tubifex and harmless fish food.
  2. The larvae of a midge is a bloodworm. They are a similar size to microworms but are cultured in vinegar.
  3. I have golden bells that are gold all over (with red eyes) very nice looking but they still try to eat each other.
  4. You should be able to grow some interesting plants once you get the balance right.
  5. As Caryl said they are all different. Rotala rotundifolia looks good in big bunches but Heteranthera zosteraefolia (stargrass) needs to be kept short and in small bunches or it goes black.
  6. If you have plants with that intensity of light you will need to add CO2 and ferts or you will have algae problems.
  7. trout pellets might be better.
  8. The above info is for the USA. The dimensions of components in the floor structure here are quite different. The critical measurement is the height, as that is what determinines the force on the floor. It will be fine if you spread the load as evenly over the joists as possible.
  9. Stella is on to it. Don't treat with anything if you don't know what you are treating. There is a risk with all medications. If fish need salt (brackish) give it to them otherwise leave them alone.
  10. columnaris is called mouth fungus but is actually a bacteria. If the salt doesn't work furan 2 will.
  11. Just to remind people. This is from overseas and the plant on the right is anacharis which is an unwanted organism here.
  12. It will need more light than you describe in your other post.
  13. The avon river is full of it. You couldn't give it away down here. However people will buy canadian water pest (Elodea canadensis) which is all over the place. Hard to get nice tidy plants though. 30 years ago I used to sell 300 bunches of Elodea a week to the shops. I think I have seen Potomageton in fish tanks on overseas sites.
  14. alanmin4304


    If you use intense light you need to use CO2 and added fertilizers as well or you will just be growing algae. Put better bulbs on what you have and see how it goes.
  15. Who has been poking around in the local streams? I think the first and second are the same but the first has had more light. Potamogeton crispus. The second is not glosso but I am not sure what it is. I had some given to me as Micranthemum but it is similar to but not that either. Both are better as cold water in natural sunlight and may not survive in tropical with moderate light. I think the second may be for sale on that site by Waterplantz as an unknown.
  16. alanmin4304


    I notice that the tank with baby turtles in (yet to happen this year) goes green realy quickly under reptile lights but it is probably also the amount of nutrient about. Emersed plants get a lot more light than submersed as well.
  17. Fire bellies are fire bellied newts that are small and go through an axolotl stage but morph into a newt and could therefore be described as a miniature and temporary axolotl. They are therefore less boring.
  18. alanmin4304


    I have a tank which grows most plants pretty well and it is a similar size to yours. It has 2 x 3ft flouros going 17hours/day. One growlux and one cool white. It will grow any of the Echinodorus species other than E. tenellus var. tenellus and most other stem plants other than the ones needing intense light like Ludwigia arcuata and glandulosa etc. You will be best to buy a reptile to go with your reptile bulbs in another tank (I should have some red ears after xmas)
  19. That is what I use also---miniature fig. Grows well in low light. There is a verigated one as well, where everyone gets a bargain.
  20. Tell them where to put their requirements if they are ultra vires. But always wish them a good day. They are nice people and they are living on your rates.
  21. You will have to sort your priorities eh.
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