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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. alanmin4304


    If you make the worms come to the surface you can either just lift them off the top of the media as pure worms or scrape them off the glass as pure worms. Pictures are of two of my colonies which I have managed to build up again,one day after feeding with one slice of luncheon
  2. If the plants like the light (and they look like they do) I would leave it as is. You could use gladwrap insted of glass on the lid because its main purpose is only to retain the moisture.
  3. Have you checked the colour of their eyes?
  4. It depends how good your wife is at physics---At least they aren't in the sewing room.
  5. With a fish room the thermostat is normally in the air and therefore controls the air temperature. If you get too much temperature layering it can be a very unpleasant place to spend much time in. Because the mass of the air is low it is quick to heat up or cool down but the water takes a lot longer. The more water you have in there the better.
  6. The temperatures don't need to be the same and after years of trying to prevent temperature layering I discovered it can actually be useful. If the tanks are where you want them all is fine.
  7. alanmin4304


    If you use a relatively inert media like spent potting mix there is little for them to feed on in the media so they swarm around the food you add and can be easily removed as pure worms. If the media is rich in food like soil or compost they are so busy feeding on the media that they don't rise to the food.
  8. If left long enough the water and air temperature will be the same. There is less mass in the air and the warm air escapes when you walk in but there is more mass in the water so it acts as a heat sink.
  9. Get it planted out well first then fill it with male killies when it has settled down. Then sit down and enjoy
  10. alanmin4304

    Fry in Peat

    When I was doing the sand thing with nothos I used to get just eggs, count them and put them back into peat, but you only need a fraction of the peat (and you KNOW how many eggs you have). I am hoping that this new storage idea works and then I can see what is happening with the eggs. Being not 100% confident I am keeping some in peat as well until I can see if the idea is a runner. They are too good looking to lose over an experiment and I am hoping to get a big enough breeding colony to get some numbers up and spread them around a bit.
  11. alanmin4304

    Fry in Peat

    Barrie, if you can't get the sand I can run a bit through the seive and send it to you---that way it would only be freight on the stuff you want. Will get you started anyway.
  12. Squirrels save their nuts by sitting on them
  13. What is 5600k--warm white? They look pretty happy so light must be Ok. Don't forget the light will be good because it does not have to penetrate the water.
  14. alanmin4304

    Fry in Peat

    I have lots of spare stainless steel mesh if you want to go the sand way. It is even easier. Hole size should be 0.54mm so will be OK for nothos.
  15. By changing the photosynthesis period you can often induce them to flower. When well established you can either extend or decrease the time the lights are on. Do you have natural light as well? They are looking pretty healthy.
  16. alanmin4304

    Fry in Peat

    I don't use a net as they are a bit tough on newly hatched fry. I use a pippette from the chemist that is used for measuring medicine for babies. Bigger than an eye dropper and smaller than a turkey baster. Other than that patience is the go. 50 what?
  17. Mine had an aviary at night and the run of the house, yard and neighbourhood during the day. I had 3 and I found them all out in the country having fallen out of the nest. Clever little beasties -- will teach you a thing or two. Don't feed mince if you have a sneaky butcher that puts SO2 in it. Instant throwup. Some tricky butchers who put mutton in their minced meat add metabisulphite to stop it going grey. Birdie don't like.
  18. I have had 3 maggies over the years. They are very clever and take some sorting out. I clipped both wings on one and it would climb a tree and then get enough steam up to go from fence to fence for about 10 sections specially to annoy an alsation that it had terrified. Put the dog next door over the edge as well. the owner used to tie it to an outside table so the bird would land on the table because it knew the dog couldn't get to it. Dog would go crazy--owner would come out and as soon as he held the dog bird would attack and peck its nose. In the end I had to get rid of it. Gave it to a lady on a farm whose maggie had been run over. She let it grow its feathers back and the next year it was nesting in the nearby trees. Great pets if you can handle them. You can keep them they are introduced.
  19. Live brine shrimp nuplii are better than decap as they are alive and moving and the fish naturally go for them. Decap sinks to the bottom and is good for bottom feeders but many fry swim right over the top of it.
  20. I was shouted by a friend to a lecture many years ago by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, a Swiss psychiatrist who wrote books and lectured on death and dieing. She said that the Swiss had a saying and she would try to translate it: " You cannot have the summer without the winter, the day without the night or the sunshine without the rain, and if you could orgasm continuously day and night who would wash the dishes?" I always remembered that and it was over 20 years ago.
  21. Also that customs, maf and erma do not with make or change the rules.
  22. What I would do is turn the water off at the toby and when the mains have been flushed they should be exactly that. To be extra careful turn everthing off in the house but open the outside tap where the connection hits the house and then turn on the toby. If there still is sediment in the mains it will flush through the outside tap and go to waste.
  23. It looks like an oranda or oranda cross so that is their body shape. The scale protrusion for dropsy is pretty obvious and it usually gets worse not better so good luck.
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