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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. You can get miniature and temporary ones. They are called fire bellies.
  2. Correct me if I am wrong but I thought it was the other way around---Tigers are yucky and ordinary are good. My turtles love the compost ones. Tigers are the ones used in worm farms are they not?
  3. They can't legally be any stricter than the law they are enforcing.
  4. I don't realy know if it is a problem or not. It contains additives so I put gravel on top to keep them away from it.
  5. I have part water/part land for newts and frogs and each has a divider with potting mix covered in fine gravel and the water area just fine gravel. The potting mix is so I can grow plants on the land, and the gravel over the potting mix is to keep the animals out of the potting mix.
  6. It might help to know that algae blooms (as stated above) are caused by an imbalance in nutrient. Usually too much phosphate in relation to the nitrate levals. Some people run very intense light (from metal halides etc) but to do that you need to have a good balance of nutrient as well and they do not have algae blooms. Good luck with sorting it out as a well planted tank is a great thing to behold.
  7. I used to make a mix to feed guppies years ago. Put the ingredients into a blender and chop up fine then freeze into small blocks. Use oxe heart farax and greens to a suitable blend then cook in a steamer like xmas pud and freeze. You can put a small lump in with the guppies, take what is left out next day and replace. This way they have food all the time without polluting the tank. I left pilot lights on at night so they could feed round the clock and grow.
  8. Good watching. Many plants do that and the part that I cannot figure out is that it relates to actual night time rather than when the lights go out. Can't fool Mother Nature.
  9. I grow plants and sell them on Trademe. My lights are on 17 HOURS/DAY. That is more than most people do. If you can grow plants with the lights on for 3 hours/day I would love to know your secret as I could save a lot of power. Listen carefully as I will say zis only ze wunce. Your leaves are falling off because the plants do not have enough light.
  10. I keep fish in tanks that size with no filter or airstone and have no problems. I even raise killi fry to sexual maturity in those tanks. There is no way that three fish will produce enough NH3 in that time to be a problem. The problem is more than likely weak interbred fish and a combination of stress from pH, hardness and teperature shock as well as chlorine and chloramines in the water.
  11. Swimming pools are covered by the Fencing of swimming pools Act 1987:178 Which is administered by the Department of Building and Housing. There are exemptions to the definition of a swimming pool which include: Any excavation, structure or product which is less than 400mm deep. And also any excavation,structure or product that has not been modified for use or intended to be used for swimming, wading,paddling or bathing. Since this is an Act of Parliament it is not legal for a Local Authority (including one with John Banks as Mayor) to change the rules as they see fit. The words mean what the words say, and they say: Any swimming pool less than 400mm deep does not need to be fenced as it is not a swimming pool. A gold fish pond that has not been modified for use or intended to be used for swimming,wading,paddling or bathing does not need to be fenced as it is not a swimming pool. So build your pond deep enough for you fish to survive the frosts down here and breed and keep some realy good quality fish. The fact that a child can drown in a goldfish pond or in water less than 400mm deep is not relevent to what the law requires. Any interpretation other than this by a Local Authority in my view is ultra vires Have a good day.
  12. You will need to advise clearly what sort of lights you have and 3 hours at night is way not enough. Sounds like you may have the wrong light and not enough of it.
  13. Not knowing these things I used acid cure RTV. The first one I biult about 30 odd years ago to go in a cabinet like a big TV set. I got the mirror put on to the glass before assembly. It deteriorated so I built another one to replace it but no one hear does mirrors now so I slipped thin mirror down between the tank and cabinet. At least that way It can be replaced easily if need be. It makes a planted tank into a forrest.
  14. A one sided razor blade is thinner but a craft knife is easier on the fingers. Make sureyou clean off all the old Rtv and wipe with meths before you reglue the brace.
  15. I have two 4 ft tanks that are mirrored back and ends and grow plants well. The plants are reflected and it looks like the plant goes on forever. Doesn't seem to bother the fish.
  16. One watt of lighting per litre means nothing. I have a 250 litre tank with 60 watts of light that grows plants very well without CO2. What is more important is: What type of light Time the lights are on. Distance of lights from surface and what is in between Depth of water The type of plants is very relevent as most are grown emersed (as previously stated) and some are difficult to convert to submersed and some are not realy aquatic plants at all. Most petshops don't know or care about plants so a picture may help people give good advice.
  17. Great mag--might have to write an article.
  18. They are filter feeders and can filter large volumes of water but can also very quickly polute a tank if they die.
  19. I was looking at the leaves which didn't look too much like affinis. Blassii has a similar flower but I don't thnk it flowers submersed so we will go back to affinis.
  20. Nothing has changed. I bought my first home when your age (24). It had been unoccupied for three years and wrecked by street kids. I bought it at an auction and was paying 12% interest. Spent the next 5 years working rotational shifts and 70 hours a week while doing the house up in "my spare time." It had no carpets and needed renovating inside and out as well as repairing the yard. The previous owner was a vegetarian and dug up all the lawns to grow spuds. In 7 years had paid of the mortgage and bought a brand new car. Since then it has been all down hill financially and an accumulation of many riches in every other way. That was over 40 years ago and not much has changed.
  21. Are you sure it is whitespot> It is the breeding season and males develop raised spots. How would you like to be medicated whenever you felt romantic?
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