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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Sorry, I have heard of this but have never seen it happen so don't know. I would remove any dead leaves as they will break down and increase the biological load leading to algae problems. Leave the rhizome and see what happens---we may all learn something if you report back.
  2. I asked the retired plumbing inspector who suggested that the person in the shop should get a new job writng fiction novels. The adhesive used is a solvent glue which is basically PVC disolved in a solvent (smells like metyl-ethyl ketone ) which dissolves the material being glued and welds the two together. It is used in sanitary plumbing all over the world and is safe when the solvent has evaporated in about 24 hours. RTV will not glue PVC.
  3. Overfeeding is what I would suspect and is very common with new people to the hobby. It can cause all sorts of changes to the water conditions and it is the changes that cause the problems rather than the conditions usually. Get it cleaned up and give clear lessons on how little is actually required when feeding.
  4. A hormone they produce called thyroxin, and they will produce it when they are good and ready. No frogs for me thanks.
  5. Siamese algae eatersm flying foxes ans chinese algae eaters are all different fish and it it is the siamese that you want.
  6. Do you have the plant buried in the media?
  7. I have heavily planted tanks with sand and I just remove any excess mulm sitting on top of the sand that builds up. It is good food for the plants and wont be a problem unless you are overfeeding. Mrs Nature is far too busy to vacuum waterways in nature.
  8. Even running 2 tubes until plants are established would help. Have a look on the plantgeek site---the Americans are keen on high light with added fertilizer regimes. But it is a balance because the plants have to be using the ferts or you get algae instead.
  9. When you first set up a tank you normally get algae problems. This will be worse with strong light, plants not established and no added ferts. You may be best to plant heavily and reducethe light until the plants are established then add CO2 and ferts.
  10. xmas brings out the best in people sometimes.
  11. I quite like seeing them around as well. It means we are a bit short on white tails.
  12. Someone (who shall remain nameless) offered me a tortoise as a trade on something else but said that there was a two year waiting list. What would the waiting list normally be and how much do they normally sell for? They also indicated they had a smaller variety of blue tongue available---anyone know about these?
  13. So what is the disease that you are treating with methylene blue?
  14. It is probably microsword (Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae). As suggested, remove from pot and plant so crown is clear of the media. Requires good light.
  15. For bleach to be effective on plants it would need to be as strong as if you had put them in the microwave for 10 minutes. There is absolutely no point in treating fish with medications if you have no idea what you are treating. You will eventually medicate the fish to death.
  16. I have a 1200mm fish tank in a cabinet built from MDF. It sits on a very strong Wooden frame to distribute the load over the floor and I paid a packet to have it painted inside and out with two pot high quality waterproof paint. It is also glued with marine glue. It has been going for many years and is still OK. Without those three things I wouldn't touch mdf for that use.
  17. The number of fish you can keep in a tank relates to the capacity of water (litres) but also to the surface area as this is where the exchange of gasses takes place. Airstones only increase the surface area and therefore allow for more fish. Those tall tanks are actually a very poor design because they don't have much surface area for the volume they hold. A goldfish pond has a large surface area in relation to volume and is therefore a good design.
  18. I found most plants hard to grow with my frogs but that was because of the low light.
  19. Just thought the choice might be nice.
  20. I would put the fish in pristine conditions, do frequent water changes, feed it well and leave it alone before you medicate it to death. Goldfish generally carry a lot of parasites and are not too bothered by them provided they are in good conditions.
  21. You will need to neutralize the bleach and then recycle the tank because you will have killed all the bacteria in the filter---including the good ones.
  22. If the pH is low it can be from polution in the atmoshere. SO2 is more prevalent in urban areas. If high it could be from storing in a concrete tank.
  23. You can decap yourself and freeze if you wish.
  24. The other way to go would be to plant Small Echinodorus species such as Common chain sword (E. quadricostatus) or narrow leafed chain sword E. tenellus) and let the runners drop down into the water.
  25. Mrs Google thinks they may be Planorbidae.
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