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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. A friend got me some chinese as eggs a couple of weeks ago from up north somewhere and they all survived OK.
  2. I have two breeding pairs in a terrarium wich is 1.25 sq ft. and 17 newly morphed yougsters in a tank that gives them 0.07 sq ft each and I will probably halve that in the next few weeks.
  3. I have had thousands of angels and have never seen them eat plant yet. I have (like dixon suggests) seen them clean a lot of plants in preparation for spawning (and pretty vigourously sometimes)
  4. I have never had a problem with plants when using either of those. Formaldehyde can be hard on plants and Flourish excel can be tough on Riccia and twisted Valisneria. It is hard on Anacharis as well but that is OK because you shouldn't have it anyway. Pity there wasn't something that was selectively hard on pond weed.
  5. If you siphon the babies out and rear them seperately it is the easiest way I think. They then go again in a short time.
  6. I have two breeding pairs in a terrarium 450x450x 600mm high and half water and half land. Also have a couple of dozen newly morphed ones in a 450x250 aquarium with mainly gravel but also a tray of water (which I have not seen them in).
  7. I do. He was feeling somewhat uncomfortable with the ammonia and nitrite eating away at his gills.
  8. A tank that narrow is difficult to landscape. There pretty well is a standard dimension for tanks. The old one was 24x12x12inches, then 36x18x18inches. You can pretty well go as long as you want but too high is difficult to grow plants and too narrow is difficult to landscape and looks out of proportion. The fish don't mind--it is only us.
  9. I have done all of the above in Christchurch in summer.
  10. 10000K shows off red and blue well.
  11. Barbs, killies, swords and platties do OK in summer.
  12. Leave a bit of gunge. It is xmas cake to bacteria.
  13. 10000K is a growlux-type light for plant growth. I have one tank with 3 of them on and the plants grow OK.
  14. An undergravel filter is a biological filter just like any other filter and if you very carefully vacuum all the gunge out of the gravel you will you will also remove all the good bacteria from your filter and can end up with raised ammonia and nitrite which means you have to cycle the tank again. I could be wrong but I would suspect your fish is suffering from the results of that. Sometimes clean/clean is not the best. The only plant I have heard of that can be toxic is Mouses ear (Saururus cernuus). It is usually grown emersed and is best soaked in a bucket for a couple of days to get rid of the sap unless they have already done that in the pet shop.
  15. Vallisneria with a single flower stem with male and female flowers I would think.
  16. And the same to you all. Just playing while waiting for the wheelchairs and straight jackets to arrive. OMG there here--better go hide. If anyone is feeling lonely today, don't, you are the best person that you ever met. Have a good one. OVER AND OUT.
  17. I have seperated the larger from the smaller as they had a propensity to check how big a frog could fit in their mouth. I have eleven but would suspect I have split males and females. Would I be best to put a few males and females together, or a pair?
  18. And to all those petrol heads out there: "Praise the lowered"
  19. You don't need to test for anything if you do the right thing---it is only proof that you have.
  20. Cut down the light as well until the plants get established and keep a low biological load (only a few small fish). Increase everything slowly as the plants get established. Plenty of fast growing plants will help also.
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