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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Depends on the individual but they can be roudy. They are one of the birds that generate noise complaints. Even worse than drunk sheilas.
  2. It is all about balance. Your plants will not use a lot of nutrient including CO2 until they get established. Strong light and fertilizers in a well established heavily planted tank is good. You need to start slowly with plants just like with fish. Until the plants get established you are just feeding the algae.
  3. Get the balance in the water right is the important thing.
  4. One more Cantabrian heading north for the summer?
  5. The ammonis spike can be caused by the antibiotic killing or reducing the effectiveness of the nitrifying bacteria.
  6. Containment means that. They are virtually in permanent quarantine in a zoo and so there are more animals that can be kept with a zoo licence. It is releasing them to the public that is harder. The attitude down here with importing fish is that they would hope it would go away, and this is a bit similar. Horses and trout yes, others not so keen.
  7. Caryl is on to it. Dead bugs and dead leaves contribute to raising the nutrient leval so siphon them off and remove dead leaves fom large plants like amazon swords.
  8. dont ya juss lern sometin evry day. If ya arnt confused now weees workin on it.
  9. Are you feeding them capsicum? They look a bit like a red canary. Great colour.
  10. They would also want blood tests I would think. Your reptile vet could advise. The problem with Maf is pinning them down to exactly what they want (in writing) They have a habit of shifting the playing field to another planet as soon as you have completed what they initially asked for. Do you need to go through Maf to get to Erma, both seperately, or how does it work? You would need to address any bio hazard of the animal itself as well as any disease it might carry.
  11. Problem is they just remove it and send you an Email. I had it with turtles 1 list under fish 2 now list under other 3 now list as classified 4 now back to auction Don't sell too many, they may create another catagory for frogs. Bloody strains
  12. There is nothing preventing you from puting up an auction for one frog then when the buyer makes contact you can sell them 10 and it still only shows as one. It becomes one buyer rather than one frog.
  13. Perhaps it is the broadest of the narrow leafed tenellus (what does tenellus mean?)
  14. If I get it right have you got somewhere to put yours and are you using your parapool at the moment.
  15. Animals can carry diseases and they can be subclinical just like humans can. EG 1/3 of people with Hep C don't know they have it. My interest is wether totoises can carry some real nasties as opposed to salmonella or similar. One problem with the law today is that some diseases are pretty specific to a certain animal. Turtles and lizards tend to carry a specifc strain of salmonella and different animals can carry different strains of leptospirosis. These can be transmitted to humans and when humans get it you can be pretty sure that it came from that animal. There have been strains of Salmomella infecting humans in NZ which were pretty specific to poultry in Australia but had not been recorded here previously. Even though these strains may not be more virilent than other strains under this new regime they are new organisms and that kicks in all the drama that goes with that. So therefore a tortoise which has been here for twenty years and is found to have a disease surely does not have a new disease (it just had not been found before)
  16. As far as I know they are the only type of albino frogs about.
  17. I have some and they are just learning to croak and Im hoping they haven't forgotten how to do the next step but at the moment no taddies. Hopefully watch this space. They are albino green and gold bells which came from Varanaphile. They are a bit out of season as he has warmed them up in winter to breed them quicker.
  18. I have a number of green and gold bell frogs which were young when I got them. One is now making noises like a teenager learning to croak as oposed to the protest noises made when being eaten by siblings. How old do they need to be before breeding them and what is the easiest way?
  19. When I spoke to the egg heads at Maf about turtles years ago they were afraid of salmonella. When I suggested they should therefore eradicate shhep, goats sparrows, rats and mice etc (as well as humans) they realy didn't seem very interested. Are there any real disease problems with tortoises? The law on new organisms is pretty tough and would be very expensive to go through, so as Navarre suggests, getting them approved as existing would be a lot easier if possible.
  20. See if you can find out what the bacteria is and its antibiotic resistence. Years ago I imported goldfish because most in NZ were crook as. I was lucky and had a friend who was a microbiologist on a boring research program who was happy to do some work. He identified the bacteria and the cheapest antibiotic to get at it with. I don't know where I hid the paperwork but I think the bug was an Aeromonas and the cheapest antibiotic was Apo- sulfatrim which is a mixture of trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole. Also known as bactrim. I have been given some 480mg tabs. Used at 2mg/litre/ and can be used for 10 days. Is generally able to be used at a much higher dose rate than many other antibiotcs. It will kill the good bugs in your filter as well---that is why it was given to me. Many years ago a local pub had a spa pool outside and a few patrons ended up in hospital with rotting armpits and groin (areas with soft skin) because they hadn't chlorinated properly and and the spa pool was acting as a bacterial incubator with bacteria picked up on peoples feet walking accross the yard. Aeromonas is common in soil and will multiply readily if the temperature is raised. I would guess that is what you are dealing with but if you can identify the bug and cure it will be a bloody painful lesson but a lesson just the same. I put the goldfish for testing on ice in a thermos flask but you may be abnle to get a bacto swab from the infected area. They are spore formers so may resist freezing---ask your scientist. Thinking about you.
  21. I was talking to a fish importer the other day who got a similar Email from them regarding a hybrid fish which they destroyed and a week later they were being sold by another importer because both sides of the hybrid were approved for import. These have been here for years, do they know that, or are they still only interest in horses and trout.
  22. If you use phoszorb you will strip the phosphate and put the ratio out of whack again--- real algae this time. Do water changes and antibiotics. I prefer furan as I killed the good bugs with E and lost a lot of fish with ammonia/nitrite once and have stayed away since. I have tried some other antibiotics I had but the didn't work.
  23. It is the nature of the plant. It grows tall in the right conditions. I have some Sagittaria microfolia grown emersed which stays dwarf but it is a bad time to put plants in the post.
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