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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I know all about puters too There is this button you push that turns it on. The cleverest part is that you push the same button and it goes off. That is probably why it is not labeled. It is an absolute godsend being psychic (or is that psycho?) I could get a job in IT too ---smashing up the computers that have become antiquated.
  2. I agree with Barrie but what annoys me is when places have these interest free deals (that cost them heaps) but will not look at a decent discount for payng cash. I have even found places that will accept credit cards (that cost 4%) but still don't give a discount for cash. You have to keep looking around because as things get tighter sensible business owners will be doing deals. There are advantages in every situation.
  3. It depends what you want to keep and what is permitted in the District and Regional plans. Most people would object to a zoo next door to their ponsy residential property.
  4. There is no point in adding CO2 and ferts unless you have strong light. The ferts and CO2 are the building blocks the plants need to grow and the light gives the energy to do it. Without good light it is like you sitting in front of a massive feast but being too tired to eat it. However the algae will love you for it.
  5. You will probably kill your plants. It is about balance. The blue green is in every tank, it only takes over when the balance is not right. Rinse your plants in water and remove all you can then set the tank up again.
  6. I think algaefix is copper sulphate and can be toxic to many fish. It also should be used only with water of a minimum hardness. I would be very wary of using it. Many shops down here have stopped selling it because of the number of people who come back complaining of dead fish. Please ignore the above. I was getting confused with snailrid so all of the above is total lies and completely untrue so please don't sue me.
  7. Most of the filters you buy to go on the tap would be good for removing fag butts and grape pips but not much else. If your water is of poor quality you would need a series of three filters going right down to less than one micron. Without the prefilters it would need cleaning every few minutes. Realy bad water may need a presettling chamber to remove sediment. If your water is not that bad then why bother with UV. I assume that you are worried about diseases pathogenic to fish. These will only come from a water supply containing fish, not from rainwater or an underground aquafer. Can you be more specific about your water supply. A bore from the river could mean a gallery by the river (which is almost directly from the river, or like Christchurch which has artesian bores originating from the Waimakariri river but taking 12 years to get there travelling through the ground).
  8. One growlux for 12 hours is low light so adding ferts or CO2 will not achieve what you are after.. You need high light, ferts, CO2 and lots of established plants for it to work or you will just culture algae.
  9. They can produce plantlets vegetatively by themselves and have flowers that are both male and female. Some plants propagate vegetavely and have seperate male and female flowers eg. Sagittaria. Some swords are more likely to produce viable seeds than others. I put a runner grown emersed from E.martii into water to encourage it to grow roots--which it did, but a while later there were baby plants growing in the bottom of the tank and small plants floating round the top. They are not that easy to grow on though.
  10. The buyer could give a big red face on the feedback and explain that they were gambusia and not goldfish as advertised.
  11. I have had sales removed for selling banned plants by contacting trademe. In this case there is no sale at present so nothing to ban, and there is no confirmation of what the fish is (no picture) so hard for them to do much
  12. They are probably as good as the australian mutton birds that were around a few years ago. Made me wonder if a strain new the difference between a mutton bird and a seagull.
  13. When I built mine I left a small gap between the basking area and the end of the tank (one matchstick) and sloped it slightly to the end so it would drain. I used gravel on the basking area and and a big peice of driftwood for a ramp.
  14. If this was parliament the speaker would add the word bisexual to the list of dubious words permitted in chambers. I am glad to see that this reference to the sexuality of flowers has been taken in the spirit it was meant. How could it be any other way--My grandmother was an english suffragette who signed the pledge at an early age. My how things have changed.
  15. 10ppm nitrate will not be a problem but stripping the phoshate with 10ppm might.
  16. I thought breeding rabbits for food in NZ had died out. Are they imported?
  17. Echinodorus species have bisexual flowers and the emersed flowers may set viable seeds that will grow. Emersed plants don't normally have roots but the leaves develop more quickly than submersed because they get more light. When the plant has plenty of leaves you can drop the crown into the water and it will grow roots. The alternave is to put lead weights on the runner and keep all the baby plants submersed and obtain all submersed growth with roots. Whatever takes your fancy. Where da pic?
  18. That is what I was saying. It is human nature in our society. Employees want more wages and so do employers. "The market will sort it out" means employers and employees buy the cheapest stuff from overseas and therefore in the end no one has a job to even buy the cheap stuff. Capitalism and market forces are in the end self destructive.
  19. It has always been hard to buy a house. I bought my first house at an auction and it had been lived in by street kids for three yeers. Worked 65-70 hours/week to pay it off and the interest rate was 12% and then went up considerably after that. One of the problems has been the speculators who build shoddy houses on all borrowed money then go broke and take all the subbies with them. It is not unsimilar to the share crash in the 80's when people were paying $10 for a share with a capital backing of 20c and then wondered why they went broke. A lot is about greed and is absolute proof that the capitalist system is not as clever as often thought to be. It encourages speculation and that by its very nature has big risks. We are now paying for those who speculated with other peoples money and lost. House prices have been grossly inflated and may now return to normality. It is crazy that banks were lending 100% of the valuation for houses when the values were grossly inflated. 80's share market all over again but we still believe that "the American way" is a great thing.
  20. It depends how greedy you are. If you remove the plants off the runner some of the smaller ones will grow as well later but if you cut the runner you will probably lose them.
  21. I have a number of small tanks at the same temperature and when the water needs changing I change the fishto the next tank and then clean and refill the old one. Like that clever Navarre boy says. Its all about balance. Filters, airstones and cycling allow you to increase the loading above the natural balance. Some of my tanks have water and heaters only (but not many fish)
  22. The Eko terra terrariums come with that background made from polystyrene. The plant is a minature fig and it has two 8 watt lights--one growlux and one cool white. There is another next to it with albino frogs and another 450x450x450 with one lone runty albino frog that the others eye with lusting hunger, a smaller one with 20 morphing newts and another in the garage with locusts. They have fine mesh on top that keeps the fruitflies inside.Plenty of driftwood or similar to provide hiding places seems to keep them happy.
  23. There is no doubt in my mind (even though there are not many cells left) that the ammonia produced by two small fish is absolutely equal to the ammonia produced by two small fish
  24. Are you insinuating that this person is more fluent in Outer Mongolian than me?
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