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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Flourish excel will not control cyano as it is a bacteria rather than an algae. It usually arises because the phosphate/nitrate ratio is out of whack and you have too much phosphate. Furan 2 will kill it also and is usually easier to get hold of than erythromycin. If you don't get the water corrected it will come back. Water changes are the best and easiest way usually.
  2. Sagittaria subulata. Next trick is if they are male or female flowers. Zabman has an avatar of a male.
  3. snot what you get from a healthy fat free griller.
  4. Do the flowers have a white flower on the end of a single stem or do they have a single stem that branches into a number of flowers? If it is the latter it will be Sagittaria subulata which can grow tall in the right conditions, If it is the single flower it will be Valisneria which to my knowledge has no dwarf form. I have a dwarf sagittaria called Sagittaria microfolia which actually stays dwarf but when I have offered it on this site no one wanted it. (none available at the moment).
  5. Sounds more like an internal bacterial infection but knowing which antibiotic to use is the problem.
  6. Gorilla snot is what building inspectors call RTV (silicone sealant) when used by bad builders and plumbers to cover up bad work.
  7. You may be right, it could be a female full of eggs.
  8. make your own then---go with the xmas plonk.
  9. I am still considering. I might go with the wharehouse and the xmas plonk.
  10. It is all about choice. You can get your cylinder filled where you want and pay what they want. They all have to comply with the same rules. Long live democracy and the freedom of choice. You can even make your own and get your xmas plonk at the same time.
  11. I don't know how to treat kidney failure from an unknown cause. And in the meantime the fish continues to suffer.
  12. For all intents dropsy is incurable. The signs you see are the result of fluid retention which can be caused by a number of things which cause kidney failure, all of which normally end in death. I always put the fish out of its misery.
  13. I understand about volume discounts to encourage regular customers to stay with the firm. My point was that it costs the firm no more to fill 99 cylinders for pubs and 1 for me than it does for 100 cylinders for a pub. There is no more cost involved so why does one company charge $10 and the other $30 and which company would you go to when all the companies have to meet the same safety requirements and the only difference is the cost?
  14. They are filling heaps of CO2 bottles with food grade CO2 for the food industry every day. Why would it cost them more to fill my once a year bottle than the pub's once a week bottle? The point realy is that all sellers of CO2 are licenced in New Zealand and have to meet the same legal requirements. All cylinders and fittings that are manufactured or imported have to comply with the same standards. Why not go to the cheapest?
  15. The problem is to know which antibiotic to use. You can realy only do that by culturing the bacteria and then testing for antibiotic resistence (by which time the fish is dead of course). Furan is easily obtainable and is fairly broad spectrum. It is one of those painfull lessons we learn in fish keeping. The only way things are learned is to try things out and if they work that is great and if they don't at least we learn. Thinking of you and wishing you luck.
  16. Actually (after reading the instructions) "That's very cool"
  17. A -town your last pic is Echinodorus tennellus var. latifolius (one of the narrow leafed chain swords).
  18. Don't hit me again Zev. I can't help it, I'm a bloke and we don't read instructions.
  19. alanmin4304

    KH and GH

    I hope the wording at the bottom of the pic is not German for Cat burger.
  20. Is it possible to have two pictures of a plant? It would be good for people to see a plant grown emersed as it might be in the shop and submersed as it might be in their tank. I think the majority of plants being sold have been grown emersed these days and many people have no idea what they are buying (or more to the point knowing what they are selling).
  21. It used to be hear because I used to sell it to the shops before it was made, in those days, a class A noxious weed.
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