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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Back to the words. They look like mine but are green and a lot more wrinkly.
  2. Navarre you may have to talk nicely to you IT people. They may be a step ahead of you and think you only need the words. My guess is that it wouldn't turn into a handsome prince if you kissed it.
  3. That's the one. Not bad lookin for a strain eh?
  4. They may have got a better source of water now but many years ago the water in Rangiora had a high iron content and this creates a lot of chlorine demand. The chlorine is used up converting the ferrous iron to ferric which is then precipitated out. They therefore have to add a lot of chlorine to get free available chlorine. Makes the water taste better as well as the iron imparts a bad taste.
  5. When it produces a flower stem it will produce plants on there as well. Don't cut it, just remove the small plants when they have 1/2 dozen leaves and enough roots to be self supporting. As the plantlets mature they loosen on the stem and can be removed by gently bending them back towards the main plant.
  6. When you put chlorine in water it combines with compounds in there to form monochloramine, adding more chlorine forms dichloramine, then even more chlorine forms trichloramine. What makes your eyes sore in a swimming pool is lack of chlorine and this causes the chloramines to move back to monochloramine. This is used in the USA to sanitise drinking water and is a disinfectant like chlorine itself. Aeration removes the chlorine and converts all the chloramines to monochloramine. It is removed by adding chemicals, not by aeration. If it burns your eyes in a swimming pool it can't make your fish feel particularly obejoyfull.
  7. The verigation is more marked on the emersed growth. Yes it will flower if left. I flowered mine before I decided it was a trifid and got rid of it. They are quite a nice looking plant in the juvenile stage but usully grow like yours before sending out flower spikes.
  8. Navarre--we are all good at different things and that is why we are here
  9. What you are smelling is monochloramine which is what makes your eyes sore in a swimming pool and cannot be removed by aeration (and in fact can be created by aeration in chlorinated water)
  10. Try Echinodorus marble queen. It is a verigated form of Echinodorus cordifolius which used to be called E. radicans. One of the plants that are good in a large open topped tank otherwise all you see is stalks.
  11. Sometimes a torch underneath helps.
  12. Killies---look no further.
  13. You can never be quite sure what is lurking out there.
  14. To the best of my knowledge there is quite a lot of M. pteropus, quite a bit of pteropus windelov, some pteropus Philippine, a little bit of pteropus narrow leaf and no pteropus tropica.
  15. They are often for sale in the pet shops but do not do well submersed.
  16. If they do a "Crypt melt" remove the dead leaves as that goes back into the water collumn and can cause algae problems as well.
  17. It's a bit hard to tell. They look like they have been grown emersed and I don't grow Crypts emersed. Most Crypts like soft acid water, except balansae and the ones from Sri Lanka like wendtii, petchii, walkeri etc. where the water can be quite hard. Come back when they are submersed and the leaf changes or see if supasi has one looking similar.
  18. They were landlocked in a pond beside the Wiamakariri and I thought they were not bullies by the way they were shoaling and managed to scare them into a plastic bag. After two years in a goldfish pond by themselves they doubled in size and got released back to the waimakariri.
  19. trout---I caught about a dozen years ago but they didn't like being in my pond and hardly grew at all.
  20. Seives are the way to go. Filters block and are a pain. I make up 5 litres of saline at a time 125grams to 5 litres. Harvest at 24 hours.
  21. Barrie, when I was working in a rural area there was a farmer who found someone having a picnic on his farm without asking. Took the rego, tracked their address and had a picnic on their front lawn on the following weekend. I think the cops were lucky getting a successfull prosocution. After spending many years working as a litter officer and going through piles of rubbish to track who it belonged to it was Edit -Billaney frustrating to turn up at court and be told by the judge that we had proven whose rubbish it was but not who put it there. The offence is puting it there. Sometimes the law is a donkey/horse cross.
  22. I have a system which doesn't look as cool but operates on the same principles An upsidedown coke bottle with hose in the bottom and element in the top. I have a pilot light going all the time as it is in the garage/workshop which has no windows. Turn off element and air and wait 5 minutes, disconnect air hose from pump and drain water to container, put through seive and rinse with water, feed to fish with eye dropper. Why do you have such small amounts of water in the containers? Mine are full--about a litre. You have a lot of critters to feed (and hopefully even more soon)
  23. What we need s an electronic wizkid that can fix up the security system on the car so when they try to clamp it a big loudspeaker shouts out. "you clampa my car you get back soon as I find you car" The other way would be to change the wheel then take pictures of them stealing your wheel and lay charges. One way to get case history.
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