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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Your reference is not to swords
  2. 2 small fish in a 40 litre tank without filter or surface agitation would think they had won lotto.
  3. Not sexable at that age. My first one of the season poked its head out of the shell this morning. Cute when little but often not so cute when older, but like many animals they all have their own personality.
  4. I have a number of tanks with no air stone or filter and the tanks are smaller than yours and a couple of fish are perfectly healthy. Go the killies.
  5. It is used in horticulture as it retains a lot of water. That is why I use it for hatching turtle eggs and as a laying media for locusts. Any of the above suggestions sounds good.
  6. Flourish excel makes iron available in the water soluble ferrous (2+) state rather than in the ferric (3+) virtually insoluble state. It also makes carbon available so can be used instead of CO2 (but more expensive)
  7. That is what I would do. Others may have other ideas. The problem comes when the plants aren't established and removing nutrient. Plants need all three and leaving part out doesn't work
  8. I know some realy good stories which need all the words to make sense but they are against the rules so I don't tell them. I will admit however to breaking the rules in other ways and getting a warning. Thems da rules.
  9. It's not rocket science. The rules are there and clear enough. We all push our luck sometimes (including me) and if we do we take the consequences. Get used to it.
  10. There are three things which plants need for rapid growth: Intense light A source of carbon Fertilizers You will not get the desired result unless you add all three to a well planted and established tank. It is a bit like cycling a tank 1 Set up the tank and plant it out with moderate light 2 Add a few fish to start cycling 3 When plants are established and the heavy root feeders are feeding start increasing light, fertilizers and CO2. Plants like swords may take many weeks to establish and start feeding heavily so until that happens you are just feeding the algae.
  11. I never got bitten but it was close a few times. I was used to regularly checking on birds like masked lovebirds while they were breeding and no problems but I took a sneeky look at a nest with two eggs when mum left it for a moment and she never went back. Left them to it after that until the chicks left the nest.
  12. I have never hand reared them but I bred them for a number of years and learned that unlike some birds they do not tolerate people nosing in their nest boxes when they have eggs.
  13. This has nothing to do with Caryl's washing. Don't you guys know pidgeon?
  14. I use the finest net of a set of four and it works great. Mr T got one from Amazonian I think so send him a PM and see if he was happy with it. Before I got mine I used one made from the top of a coke bottle with a hole cut in the lid and fine mesh under the lid---sitting upside down in the rest of the bottle. It worked OK but was not as easy as the purpose made ones.
  15. I think some people do grow brine shrimp out but I have never thought it worth the hassle compared to letting daphnia do their thing quietly in the corner.
  16. Keep your whiteworm cultures as cool as possible as they don't like that sort of heat.
  17. I have a set of 4 kindly donated by Caryl and they are realy good for foods like daphnia. You can grade the sizes out and feed the best sizes to different ages or put the big ones back to keep breeding, or the wee ones to grow on. No point with brine shrimp as the best food value is as soon as they hatch.
  18. In my view jaeger are the best heaters as they are fully submersable and able to be properly adjusted to the correct temperature. Not cheap though--but neither are fish.
  19. It's that time of the year, wouldn't be angels would it?
  20. Makes you grateful that elephants cant fly.
  21. Navarre is on the money. If you want to keep them in the more attractive juvenile state you can remove the more arial leaves as they form but a better way is to dig them up and cut half the roots off then replant. They are an atractive plant in an open tank with good light. Bob Ward has some beauties at Redwood Aquatics. The verigation is a lot stronger in the emersed growth. Too trifid-like for me.
  22. They make monochloramine in the USA by reacting chlorine and ammonia. When thiosulphate is added to chlorinated water it gets rid of the chlorine and chloramine but one of the bi products is ammonia. This can be got rid of with aeration.
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