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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. You should have enough light to have a go at some of the high light plants like glosso. You can but try and see. plant it in small clumps so it gets as much light as possible and try and get stuff that has been grown submersed because it would be a big shock otherwise at this time of year. Other plants that would possibly do OK would be Sagittaria microfolia, Echinodorus tenellus tenellus, E. tenellus latifolius, E. tenellus parvula or hairgrass particularly if you can get the shorter variety.
  2. What does it claim on the guff sheet how it works?
  3. The tank cannot cycle without ammonia and nitrite because there would be no food for the bacteria to feed on.
  4. As zev said, you can propagate a number of plants like stargrass (Heteranthera zosteraefolia), Rotala rotundifolia and Indian stargrass (Hygrophila polysperma) by laying them flat and weighting them down. You can pick them off or leave them connected. This will work with most stem plants that root and branch easily.
  5. Stargrass needs to be kept short or it goes black on the bottom due to lack of light.
  6. What do you want to do with a block that is 1800x600x600? That is a lot of polystyrene
  7. A guy down here who is pretty good with plants often uses a gravel mix containing a little shell when growing swords
  8. You will go broke importing before you will paying retail prices at the pet shop.
  9. It is not always easy to pick what the problem is because many of the signs you describe can be caused by more than one deficiency. There is a good article on the plant geek site under forum, plant resources and the sticky on nutrient deficiency. bio balls provide a mixture of micronutrients and the macronutrients should come from the fish food and waste. People often say that swords do best in soft acid water but many prefer a bit of calcium. They feed mainly through the roots. Good light helps as well. Swords usully thrive on the mulm in the tank that we generally try to remove..
  10. Epsom salts and common salt temporarily reduce the fluid retention caused by kidney failure by the effects of osmotic pressure but it does not cure the kidney failure and therefore the dropsy. I have always treated it for practical purposes as being incurable. Fish are lovely but none the less perishable goods.
  11. The point would be that the meth blue would make it blue but there may be other things there still working when it is gone. Wonder tonic has a number of ingredients only one of which is meth blue.
  12. What are the active ingredients in the whitespot cure?
  13. Septic tanks are emptied with a desludging truck where a large tank on the truck is evacuated and then when the valve on the hose is opened the contents is sucked into the tank. The hose is usually about 75-100 mm. That is a lot of sukkimoto
  14. Chinese quail eggs cooked in green tea? Could never get my head around one place I was involved with that sold half incubated pekin duck eggs to the Taiwanese who considered them a real delicacy.
  15. There are cures that are colourless but I don't know if they would use them. Copper sulphate, mepacrine and quinine come to mind.
  16. You may get away with a lot of things in fish keeping (and you may not). It is a matter of wether you and your insurance company want to take the risk.
  17. The ones I have seen work on a venturi system where water running in is used to suck the gunge out and both lots go to waste. There is a formulae for the design of a venturi (which I don't know) and the incoming water is passed through a restricter as part of that. I have seen one made and used to suck up gravel for recovering gold from a river bed so I have no doubt that the principle would work. It would be a matter of wether the swimming pool one you are looking at can get enough water pressure from your mains (a water blaster might also be a usefull purchase) and the outlet hose being large enough to carry the gunge from the bottom of the pond.
  18. Put it down to experience, harden up and only buy healthy fish. If there are crook fish in a shop point it out to the person in charge.
  19. Actually I got the job of getting rid of it. The collections were in areas where the drainage was realy bad for a septic tank and the cost per year was about $8000 dollars to pick up 6 cans weekly. When I looked into it I found that half of them had ilegally installed a flush toilet and were putting out a bucket of water with a shovel full of dirt in it. Kiwi ingenuity at its best.
  20. Anyone remember the milk at school thing. Little bottle of milk with a cardboard lid and it tasted like cardboard because it had been in the sun since delivery. Stand up for the queen at the beginning of the movies. That must have been the start of my career as a protester because I got hit on the head by a torch from an usher for not standing up.
  21. We had the night cart (truck not horse and cart) where I worked until the late 70s.
  22. My father in law used to have to milk the cows then deliver milk in a horse and cart all over Christchurch before he went to school. Those were the days.
  23. And that phone today would probably be worth megabucks but in no doubt got chucked out.
  24. They are all Auzie ones. Jumpy little blighters them strains
  25. Evapouration because of the increased surface area caused by the waterfall.
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