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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Depends on the size of the tank but any more of anything other than the pair that want to breed will cause a battle.
  2. The time that things keep in a freezer is a factor of the temperature mainly. Fish keeps about 3 months in a domestic freezer (-10 deg), 6 months in a commercial freezer (-18 deg) and about a year at -30 deg. If it is not sealed properly it will suffer from feezer burn which is a bit like freeze drying. I feed a lot of blood worms and I keep it about a year sometimes. If you freeze a strawberry in liquid nitrogen it freezes instantly and when it thaws it is still pretty good quality because the ice crystals are very small and little damage occurs. If you freeze one slowly in your domestic freezer then thaw it out it turns to mush because it contained large ice crystals that penetrated all the cell walls and damaged it. Thawing on the way home and then refreezing slowly in a domestic freezer deteriorates the product considerably. All frozen food for sale is required to be kept constantly below -18 deg before sale but this does not apply to pet food.
  3. Probably built with a mortice and tenon. Very strong if done properly
  4. Only till they do their homework.
  5. Blueys are banned by the Regional Council in Auckland and Waikato and others could follow.
  6. Not at all. I do however think that people who pay good momey for reptiles which they know to be ilegal are idiots when they complain about Maf destroying them
  7. The leopards are that price by supply and demand but the price will come down as more are available. They are legal. The debate is still on over the whites.
  8. One of the problems is that there are people who want to have reptiles because they know they are not permitted. I agree that the present system does not work too well but it may improve before too long. If there was no market for ilegal reptiles there would be no insentive to smuggle.
  9. It is their way of breaking food up
  10. Only idiots want reptiles that they are not supposed to have. All mine are legit and I don't have to worry about Maf.
  11. How do you get your exotic lizards if someone doesn't sell them to you?
  12. alanmin4304


    It looks too old to be much good.
  13. alanmin4304


    He has answered my question and says it was purchased from Redwood Aquatics as a p82. I know Bob did import some and I saw them but he wouldn't sell them as they owed him too much and he wished to breed them. They didn't look like that when I saw them. Something doesn't add.
  14. alanmin4304


    I have pointed out the error of their ways but had no reply.
  15. If there are golden bell frogs there I am interested in buying half dozen males if you are interested.
  16. There are tadpoles for sale at Bubble and Squeek which came from the west coast and they had to break the ice to catch them.
  17. I don't want to get into rights or wrongs but I understand there is evidence of them being bred in NZ a lot more recently than that. We will have to see what the judge decides I guess.
  18. Moved to Ausi but returning to face the music in February I think Some charges dropped and some proceeding as I understand
  19. Temperature seems important (around 30 degrees) and they seem to need growing grass not dormant stuff.
  20. Raising the temperature will not cure whitespot it just speeds up the reproductive cycle so the whitespot can be treated at the vegetative stage. The white spots on the fish are resistant to meds. You should also treat for about a week after the white spots have gone.
  21. It does not sound like normal behaviour to me and a visit to the vet seems like the best idea.
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