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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Lots of water changes and good food. They like to spawn near the top of the tank so I used to hang a peice of slate near the top. They should go every 10-14 days if you take the eggs out.
  2. alanmin4304


    Furan2 will do the job.
  3. I think with School Cert you had to get at least 30% in each of at least 4 subjects and have a total of at least 200 in 4 subjects. I got the useless but compulsory french as well. Typing was for girls in those days as was home economics---them were the days.
  4. Breathing any dust is not good for you or your lizard. Lizards need calcium and it is usually in the form of calcium carbonate. Too much of anything is not good for you or your lizard. I think it is just part of the general debate around keeping lizards like should they be kept on sand (they live in the desert and there is not much turf let alone astroturf there) and I would suspect there are lizards living happily in areas of marble, chalk and other forms of calcium carbonate.
  5. They must be bisexual because viable seeds were produced from one flower a while ago. They will be genetically the same as they are both from the same plant. It is easier to cross pollinate two flowers usually.
  6. No, sorry. Probably a temperate marginal. Will be interested to see if it survives.
  7. Animates should know what they ordered.
  8. Looks great. It takes a bit of work to build them so I reckon you will be pleased it is completed.
  9. I have always been a bit wary of using RTV on plastic because it often doesn't stick. It depends on the plastic but I suspect the plastisizer used in PVC (DIMP) bleeds out. I am not sure what plastic the tracks are made from though, that is why I used araldite. It has stuck so far but do understand what you are saying Barrie. I glued mine before it was painted. Hot glue might be OK as it would remain a bit more flexable.
  10. Are you sure you didn't get them from Wok after he had devoted time and effort into training them?
  11. Time to confess. You only do it to get out of washing the dishes.
  12. no pictures sorry. All the plants I was given were sent to you.
  13. Popeye is normally caused by bacteria behind the eye producing gas and pushing the eye out.
  14. It is not palm oil that is the problem it is the forrest habitat that is being destroyed to grow palm oil and other crops. It is possible to get palm oil that is not grown where forrests used to be and Cadburys claim that is what they use. We are not too clean either as most of NZ has been deforrested to grow grass and this is the main cause of a lot of erosion apart from the destruction of habitat. What would you replace the palm oil with? Canola is used in many products too and is generally extracted from genetically modified rape seed.
  15. Have you obtained and grown both micranthemums in NZ?
  16. We stayed in a tent on Stewart Island many moons ago and woke up in the morning to find that wekas had raided the food during the night and picked holes and consumed a bit of each of the 12 eggs in a carton.
  17. I used to have nine aviaries so what does that make me? bi (as in seeyalater)
  18. There is a plant that is sold here as Micranthemum but I don't think it actually is. The leaf looks similar but is not the same. Unfortunately I cant remember the name. I was given some ages ago and I gave it away to someone who came up with the name.
  19. I spoke to the retired plumbing inspector who suggested the following: If you have a low pressure system the water can only run out of the hot water cylinder at the same rate as the cold comes in. If the hot water cylinder is fed from a header tank in the ceiling and then to the hot water cylinder by a galvanised iron pipe it may be that rusted inside that the cold water cannot get to the cylinder quick enough. The flow will be improved if that pipe is replaced. There may be an airlock in the hot pipe to the shower. This can be removed by removing the shower rose and plugging the pipe outlet. Turn on the hot tap then the cold and the cold will push back up the hot line and blow out the airlock. This will only work if you have low pressure hot and mains pressure cold. If you have a pressure reducing valve it will have a prefilter which may be clogged. If it is not clogged it can be adjusted to increase the flow by turning the pressure up until the water runs out of the relief pipe on the roof then turned down till it stops flowing. Do not put a cork in the relief pipe as some people suggest as it will either blow up the hot water cylinder or more often implode it when you drain the cylinder to replace the element or similar. A low pressure cylinder is designed to take a 25 foot head (he is an old fella) and that means it can handle 25 foot of water up the relief pipe.
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