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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. That is the formula I have been using and keeping it at 30 deg C but it is drying out. Moths hatch and then die off and nothing after that. Only difference is I used ground up porridge instead of baby food (oats) because I figured thats what it was---could be wrong.
  2. What are you suggesting? My car only has 2 pedals
  3. What formulae do people use for breeding wax moth larvae? The formulae I have been using dries out and is not working for me so I am looking for something that works.
  4. Have you discovered the clutch pedal yet---its the big one on the left of the break pedal
  5. There are a number of ways to look at this. If I pay a heap of money for some fish and breed them, then sell them for half of what I paid but still make a fortune, am I being greedy? My hobby is probably still running at a loss. If you look at most breeders and their overall investment and ongoing expenses few would be making a profit and none would be getting rich so is that greedy? I think it is mainly a way of paying off some of the debt. The market sorts it out in the end.
  6. A drunk amazon grey would be pretty popular with the kids---hope it hasn't spent time at sea.
  7. I am happy to pay those fees---beats standing on the corner wearing a sandwich board. It is an easy way to reach a very large audience so has to be worth something.
  8. I am no expert on trees but isn't aspen poplar rather than pine or cedar. Excluding poplar leaves a lot of other trees. There are a few trees that are toxic to stock but not sure about reptiles.
  9. The last I heard of were a young male and two females on trademe that got to over $5000 but did nor reach the $7000 reserve so anybodies guess. There wasn't even a picture to confirm that one was a male. I understand there is a shortage of males. At that sort of price I wouldn't expect many people to put their hand up. Give it a few years and we may all be able to afford them.
  10. I am not familiar with that plant but I am assuming those stalky leaves are because it has been grown emersed. Is that the case.
  11. With newts and frogs I have set my terrariums up with potting mix then covered with gravel to keep the animals away from the ferts. The dividers are fully sealed so there is no connection between the water and land and the water therefore stays pretty free of ferts.
  12. Frogs and strong light are not a good combination I would think.
  13. I used to feed infusoria with a drip system 24/7 for the first 2-3 weeks and brine shrimp nupli as well to try and keep live stuff in there all the time. Use a small pilot light at night. microworm is probably next best after brineshrimp and then grindals after that.
  14. Frogs have very absorbing skin so it may not do the frogs any good either.
  15. Algae may be your biggest problem.
  16. Have to agree---same as any other aquatic plant realy
  17. Anyone making $800/week on Trademe and not declaring it will be on the radar and will get their reward.
  18. Rest assured that the IRD watch Trademe the same as Maf watch it and this site. If you have over so many transactions on trademe you are in their system.
  19. There is also another side to this whole thing. When I was breeding heaps of fish, like 50000 a year I sold to a wholesaler who then sold to the retail shops. If either finds that you are selling "at the back door" cheaper than them they will not want to buy from you. You cannot carry 50000 fish around in the back of the car so you need to look after those that will be your market. I like Barrie have spent a lot of effort getting shops interested in stocking killies so try to look after the ones that will stock them. Killies have a limited market but so do Africans so my advice would be to look after those that are prepared to put hem out there as these are the people that may be able to encourage importers to bring in different varieties or new genes of the ones already here..
  20. The main thing is to stay alert. NZ needs more lerts.
  21. I agree about the danios being more active but I suggested the cardinals and rummies because that is more their natural temperature where as the danios may behave a bit like being on P and have shortened lives.
  22. A bit more expensive but cardinals or rummy nose would be ideal.
  23. I think cool white is about 4600k and should be cheaper from a hardware store.
  24. Bluer light will probably make it grow more compact.
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