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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. If you let it grow out of the water it will flower and develop plants as well. The plants can grow large leaves but seldom produce roots. The leaves will be emersed so if you submerse it those leaves will be replaced by submersed leaves. Generally the small plants will develop most rapidly if they are submersed but near the surface as they will get more light. When ready to seperate the small plants are very easily seperated from the stalk by twisting back towards the mother plant (about 6 leaves)
  2. Unfortunately so has Mr Giardia lamblia.
  3. Around here most of the rivers are not even fit to swim in let alone drink from.
  4. If it is under water you can put a piece of lead around it to keep it submerged. If you have lead around it under intense light the lead can heat up and burn the runner. When the plants are developed enough on the runner they will loosen and be easily removed from the stem.
  5. I don't know anything about ADA but I have used peat and it was a disaster. Best to use commercial micronutrients of some sort.
  6. Shar Pei frogs. Maf are not friendly towards them.
  7. However, the beatles do bite. I have seen my frogs trying to work out wether to swallow or spit out.
  8. It can be caused by chitin from any insects with hard exoskeleton like mealworms, crickets or locusts etc. As I said, the other 20 were OK. Just pointing out that it can be a risk.
  9. That is always a possibility. Impaction can also be caused by an excess of chitin.
  10. I lost an albino green and gold feeding mealworms (impaction). The other 20 normals are OK on the same diet though.
  11. Looks like lumbriculus (blackworms) or tubifex. Probably the former as tubifex don't swim. Probably came in with live food or new plants.
  12. alanmin4304

    Hey Sam!

    Eat me if you are feeling very very lucky.
  13. I have altered the bit about water changes---they will of cause remove phoshate and nitrate and what you end up with will be partly controlled by how much of each there is in your water supply.
  14. As stated above, a lot of algae problems are caused by an imbalance of phosphate to nitrate and many plant sites suggest adding nitrate to correct this. Plants need very little phosphate compared to nitrate and the excess phosphate usually comes from the type of fish food or overfeeding. Water changes will remove a lot of phoshate and nitrate unless there is a lot in the replacing water.
  15. I have an Eheim going on a turtle tank which gives it a fair load. It has never missed a beat apart from when I dropped it and broke some bits off--still works though. I think the principle of wet/dry might be the problem rather than the brand.
  16. Many years ago the Japanese fishing boats coming into Lyttleton Harbour were reqiured to have a portaloo type toilet on the warf by the ship because the toilets in the boat were basically a pipe going out the side. The portaloos were then emptied into the Lyttleton sewerage system which discharged directly into the harbour around the corner a bit.
  17. So now your mind is bigger, and so is mine. I love useless information.
  18. Your last point was the one I was trying to make. I find it hilarious that this situation is so aplauded by the "higher paid workers" who are the ones paying a pile of tax but dream one day of being super rich and never will.
  19. I think you missed my point. All the people you mention are workers and pay tax as you say. The very rich---way above that pay little because they can organise things so they don't. It is human nature that if you make 100k you could do with 150k and so on. There are plenty of people who would love to get 50k. Give it time and the paranoid commies may well prove to be right. Kiwibank will be first after the next election (that is if people don't vote them out for digging up the country)
  20. To easily reach a metre you would need pretty long arms. Working with buckets is a pain, a central setup as you suggest would be the way to go.
  21. When I had a fish house I had a heap of tanks and most were 600 x 600mm which I found was about as deep through that I could comfortably reach. I had tanks on the floor and a pump for emptying tanks. There is a local guy here doing a lot of breeding who would have at least a couple of hundred tanks and his are mainly that size as well but a wee way off the floor. He has an automatic water change system though.
  22. We have vodaphone and the only problem we have is getting the bill out of them before it is overdue. We get around that by looking it up on the internet and transfering the money electronically.
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