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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Cardamine lyrata is good. They lay individual eggs and fold the leaf around the egg so you know where the eggs are because they are folded.
  2. Have you got the thermometer under a radiating heat bulb?
  3. Where are you measuring the temperature and where is the thermostat probe?
  4. They do it so you will not need to worry. 1 Get a pair of the same type (Chinese or Japanese) 2 Put in suitable plant for female to lay on 3 remove eggs daily and wait for about 10 days for them to hatch 4 Remove to seperate raring container. Start new one every week or they will eat each other. 5 Feed live brine shrimp nuplii and microworm 6 Do complete water change every 3 days 7 When ready to morph relocate to suitable tank with dry area for them to go to when they morph 8 Relocate to suitable area when morphed. 9 Feed on fruit fly, daphnia etc. The invoice is in the mail
  5. I have one getting ready to lay at the moment with another one crawling all over it. She has dug a hole in the moss.
  6. I have a number of containers so they have a lot of choices (one each if they wish) They will often lay with others in there and it is not a problem but once again I guess it depends on the size of the containers. Mine are 4 litres so a few can fit in there OK .
  7. 25-35mm is what I use for sphagnum moss but it depends on the size of your container. You need to have enough room for them to dig a hole then bury the eggs. With the moss they will sometimes just work their way to the bottom of the contaier rather than digging holes. If you give them the choice they will sort it out. You can often tell from their behaviour that they want to lay.
  8. As above. They know more about it than us so if you give them a place to lay they will sort it out. I use moist sphagnum moss in an icecream container, but use whatever works for you. You can clearly see the eggs when they are gravid. one bottom right and one top left (from the bottom). What may look like an egg bottom left is calcium deposit. They don't like being tipped up side down so it is easiest to put them in a clear plastic container and hold it up in the air. I also keep them and leave them in groups but I give them a choice of a number of containers.
  9. There are people on this site with a lot of experience with discus. Pictures of the problem may help.
  10. You will need to let them grow out of the water from submersed I would think.
  11. The decap you buy is freeze dried and will not hatch. As LA has said you can decap your own but it only lasts a short time. (I think in the fridge in brine)
  12. It is about heat so the only way to save money is to use less heat by using lots of insulation. If you use heaters or light bulbs you are after the heat. With using light bulbs for heat you may be paying for light that you don't need.
  13. Well worth a visit---particularly a cheap one.
  14. Welcome and you will find that there are plenty of people keen on both turtles and beardies on this site.
  15. They will only be puting chlorine in the water and that will not alter the hardness.
  16. By international standards Christchurch water is soft at about 45mg/litre (45ppm)
  17. Is it a male that had a disagreament with the fella down the road?
  18. If it looks like gangrene I would be tempted to frighten it until it drops its tail. Might not look so good but will be alive.
  19. Welcome and good to see you you back.
  20. Mexico is like NZ and has low iodine in the environment so they have developed around that and reproduce in the juvenile form. If they do that there is no point in encouraging them to morph. Get a fire bellied newt---better looking anyway.
  21. I have found that hot glue guns will work on some plastics where silicone will not.
  22. It is infinately variable. All the Christchurch water supply and many other places are from bore water.
  23. Beardies need more space than leopard geckos. They all have their own requirements. I built a double (two high) enclosure 1600x600x600 in each compartment from untreated ply. It is good for a pair of beardies but would hold way more leopard geckos.
  24. Most pet shops seem to give bad advice---that is why I stopped breeding them.
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