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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I assume the last two pieces are 30cm x 25mm and I would not worry about them---they realy don't do much structurally on a tank that size--may help to locate the lid. Don't forget to allow for access for heater wire, airhose and filter pipes and wires. Place back, then ends, then front, then add fillet
  2. If you provide a good place for her to lay she will sort it out. I check all the hides each morning. So far they have ranged from 16 to 31 days between pairs of eggs.
  3. There was someone selling a leucistic green and gold litoria on trademe a while ago---sure that is not what these are?
  4. I am not up with how it is at present because it seems to change all the time depending who the person inspecting is and what part of the country you are in. When I imported goldfish years ago there were nine varieties (all goldfish) and they were treated as if they were a different species. This may be because a lot of Asian countries (such as Singapore) are realy trans shipping agents and the various fish types may have come from seperate breeders and even countries. They took one of each variety to test to see that they were goldfish and not carp with the barbels cut off and later they took one of each type to test for diseases. They came back and told me that the healthiest type had piscene TB even though they had spawned, and another type I asked them to take away because the had piscene TB according to them were healthy even though they were on deaths door. I understand that the severity of the testing regime relates to the type of fish and any signs of disease or deaths which have been observed. Good luck with importing.
  5. You may have polluted the water by adding too much yeast. You only need a tiny amount.Try brewers yeast from bulk inn as some of the other yeasts contain additives.
  6. The NZ brineshrimp is smaller but dearer and more particular about hatching.
  7. very small. They don't eat until after the first slough so will stay that way for about a week then start eating like a lizard posessed.
  8. When making small to medium tanks it is usual to push the front and back together against the ends and that excludes the air. If the ends are not quite square some air bubles may be formed. With larger tanks more silicone is left between the joints to allow flexability.
  9. Reptiles may seem to be eating sand but they are actually feeling/tasting with their tounge as they do with most things including each other.
  10. I think I am a girl but only time will tell
  11. I have seen them used down here in a shop and they seemed pretty successful. They give off a fair bit of heat so you would need a pretty large enclosure.
  12. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  13. A bob each way but another bob on eggs
  14. The latter I would think. They would also be gut loaded with sawdust.
  15. Good eggs of both are generally firm, white and get a little larger over time. If they go yellow, get fungussed or get dented chances are they are not fertile. You can have one egg larger than the other in a pair and both still hatch or they may hatch days apart. Beardie eggs tend to be more rounded than leopard eggs but they lay a lot more. All these things are designed by Mrs Nature just to keep it interesting.
  16. It was a long time ago I propagated them and I remember that it took a long time before I had any success so your theory makes a lot of sense. I only let the seeds drop into the tank. Well done.
  17. Possibly a well fed male. With a female the lines are not that straight and tend to dip down towards the belly.
  18. Egg yolk works but it is realy hard not to overfeed and contaminate the water. Brine shrimp nuplii and microworms are good.
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