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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. alanmin4304

    dead WCMM

    If it is then it is not really curable. If there are no signs on other fish and water perameters are good--can only wait and see. Fish are perishable goods and sometimes just die without any obvious reason.
  2. The problem with carbon is that it can extract a lot of toxins from the water but can just as readily dump the whole lot back in. Water changes remove the toxins--full stop.
  3. One problem is the information that is being shared sometimes is total lies and fabrication that can cause the people it is aimed at a lot of grief.
  4. The latin names are not used to be pedantic. There are about 4 types of micro swords in NZ and a few others that are sold as that as well as two sorts of Sagittaria, one of which is usully twice as tall as the other and can grow to half a metre tall.
  5. I am no engineer but have seen engineers I worked with build them to extract the magic metal from rivers on the west coast. There is a whole formulae for getting them to work well.
  6. A venturi can only pull the CO2 that is produced as it is produced on a diy setup. Looking at equilibrium then the removal of the CO2 may encourage an increase in production but I think it would be so insignificant as to not matter.
  7. It wont be dimp but it could be any number of other things. Silicone seals as used in the food industry for ovens and fridges would be OK. What I have done in the past is glue a couple of thin strips of glass down front, back and base then slide glass in between. I have one at the moment to divide a reptile cage and it can be removed if required. Use silicone to glue.
  8. The question is: Are we talking pvc or rubber?
  9. I would have thought that the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet would be the same regardless of the depth of the pump so it should not make any difference, only if the outlet was raised above the water level and increased the operating head.
  10. I would not claim to know much about PVC but I think the plasticizing agent they use is dimethylthalate which may be toxic to fish but is put on the skin of humans as an insect repellant called DIMP.
  11. There are as heap of critical factors with UV. Temperature of the tube, distance from the water, clarity of the water etc. With all that the answer is: only a few mm.
  12. I use flukers with vit D3. It is fine and sticks well to mealworms.
  13. Sounds good. Have you got lots of live food or deep pockets. Don't forget to coat live food with calcium powder.
  14. Water changes will get rid of any toxins, be cheap and it will happen gradually. It is unlikely to be lack of oxygen and more likely something being leached from the rubber. In a previous life I worked as a rubber technician in the compound room of a general rubber goods factory and there are a lot of additives in rubber products. The safest thing would be to use food grade products.
  15. Buy the dead (dry) stuff then wet it with warm water and squeeze out the excess. I can't see from the pics but you should have vents for a bit of fresh air---are there vents in the top?
  16. I use icecream containers with sphagnum moss as well. They need to stay damp. It would be OK for 4. Do you have a thermostat or one of those dimmer type things that you can't set at a given temperature? Thermostat is best by far. I think ceramic heat emitters are best.
  17. How many points do you get for spelling your name correctly? I have a mate who got 6% for chemistry in School Cert. Put his name at the top and spent 3 hours doing a pen and ink drawing of the exam supervisor. Got annoyed when they made him hand it in as he wanted to put it with his C.V. Marks must have been scaled up.
  18. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  19. As stated--it is another bacteria that needs to convert the nitrite to nitrate.
  20. The seller lives only a few houses from me and is usually pretty good. Most of his plants are grown emersed.
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