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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. They is only little but the have a good bite. Not as good as a cockatoo though.
  2. I used to breed heaps of them years ago but no birds at the moment. A guy down here imported a lot of different fancy mutations way back then when you could so there should be some good ones about. Your best bet might be to look out for a bird show and try to chat up some of the owners.
  3. Be careful what you get them to believe in or you could lose all your teeth during the night so they can get some pocket money from the tooth fairy.
  4. On thinking a bit more: If you set the thermostat on the combo a couple of degrees higher than the stand alone it will act as a safety backup.
  5. You could wire the heater thermostat up to the new thermostat. Provided you set the thermostat on the heater to the max the other will cut the power supply as required.
  6. The thermostats I used on my undertank heaters was a love brand from homershams and the hysteresis coud be sdjusted. I use a digital thermometer that is accurate to 0.1 grees which also cae from there. It is portable so I use it to check any tanks, reptile enclosures or insect breeding setups. The thermostats were $340 each and three got munted in the Feb quake. Got insurance but have not replaced yet.
  7. If a silverback pinches your reading glasses you will know what is going on.
  8. Next time just get one strain and try to breed them true. If you put a lot of different strains in together, after a few generations they are likely to be all rubbish.
  9. In a previous life when I kept a few cold water marines (finally the norwesters got them) we used to deliberately store the sea water in black 20 litre containers for 6 weeks before use. The theory was that it killed off all the nasties. It probably killed off all the good stuff.
  10. Look at them at night in the dark with a torch. If they don't have spots that look like salt (whitespot) or pepper (velvet) they probably are not infectious. Sometimes stress can bring these diseases out. If they are clear it should be OK to add more fish.
  11. What you do is learn from it. We have all learned the hard way at some time.
  12. Either call it selective breeding or experience, both we learn from.
  13. You can do as many and as big a water change as you like if you do it properly. I have frequently done 80-90% water changes without a problem. There are some rules: Make sure the temperature is the same as in the tank Make sure the chemistry is close to the same as in the tank. You achieve this by doing regular water changes, even daily so the tank does not get time to change the hardness and pH too much. This is a technique that importers and serious breeders use when tanks are heavily over crowded and works well if you stick to doing regular changes. Get rid of chlorine and chloramines if they are in your water supply.
  14. It is probably the water changes that caused most of the problem. It is rapid changes in temperature, pH and hardness that causes problems with fish. They can often tolerate a lot if the changes are gradual.
  15. Do not wash the filter out at all unless the flow is restricted, then only rinse lightly in tank water enough to return the flow. It is the muck in the filter that holds and feeds the bacteria that you are looking for. If you wash the filter clean you wash all the good stuff down the drain and start cycling again.
  16. The hysteresis on most aquarium thermostats would give a variation of about 2 degrees so that would be normal. If you run two heaters each with a thermostat chances are only one will operate and the other will be backup. I had thermostats with a hysteresis of 0.1 deg C running under tank heat mats and the temperature variation was more than what you are getting because of the media in the bottom. Keep your money and spend it on more fish one day.
  17. Thats what I feed mine, but not adult bugs. They will happily eat bugs bigger than the distance between the eyes but not the distance between the nose and the tail tip.
  18. alanmin4304


    Guilty your honour
  19. Sorry---confusing it with hornwort. Still not Nitella (got that right)
  20. Nitella is very brittle and breaks up readily into little bits that develop into plants and that is why it is such a pest.
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