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    Dancing,sports and fish

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  1. thanks so much,i feel like a total blonde right now! lol
  2. :bounce: i was wondering is there any way to see how many blogs you have posted? thanks! :bounce:
  3. thanks so much lots of help!!!Any thing anyone else knows about them please post!
  4. thanks guys!fell free to post anything else!
  5. what about small angel fish or sword tails?? guppys are cute but not much colour gouramis have a VERY large selection to choose from,all different colous,patterns,shapes and sizes all you need to do is pick some that suit your tank!!!happy picking!!!!
  6. hae! :bounce: i wanted to know what those stars are(next to your name and pic when you post a blog) when i hold my mouse over them it says 0 (im really new here) how do i encrease my star 'rating' other peoples seem to vary from 0-5 also who is caryol(spelling) and why is she called the moderator?what does she do??? :-?
  7. :bounce: hae! im new to this website and very interested in fish and turtles.any questions,comments or sugestions will be much apprecaited!!
  8. i would love to see photos of your turtles,i really like them!do they have names,how many do you have??
  9. My family and i have got a new tank.I really wanted to know a few things.firstly,do you have to leave the water in the tank for a week or so or can you put neons in straight away because the are good 'cycling fish' i know that they are good fish for starting but i haer they are sensitive to water drops,rises phd levels e.t.c.so i wan to know should i leave the tank for a wee while let it do its thing then put in some strong,hardy fish such as plattys,catfish or guppies that can handle water drops etc or should i put in some neons straight away although i am scared of putting in neons straight away because they are sensitive and i am a begginer.p.s my tank is 4 feet x60 cm. i just wanna know what to put in first and how long to wait. thanks!!!!!
  10. i just wanted to know if your tank is not green but slimy (on the glass) is that good bacteira???if you dont have a filter that cleans up poos and leftover food how do you know what to clean and what to leave.Also do you think that i should clean all the pebbles since there is no filter to clean the yuck stuff up???? :-?
  11. i have a filter that just blows air bubbles in the tank doesnt clean up all the yucky things .should i clean it?(its just a small thin,holow tube of plastic that gets very slimy after a month or two).we clean everything (water pebbles and filter plus slimy ornaments)because when you move the water round in a small whirrlpool motion poos and alge fly everywhere im guessing they sit in the bottom of the tank with the pebbles.should i still clean the whole tank???
  12. we have a tank 16 cm high,30 cm roundZ(its a round little tank.We have 2 goldfish in it and a filtre.every month or so we put the fish in a bowl and clean the whole tank,water pebbles and ornaments.we use chlorine water to fill the tank up but put a few drops of this blue stuff that says it dissolves the chlorine.they have been living for 2 years with the same routine so must be doing something right.is there any thing that i should stop or start doing?any comments apprecaited!!!
  13. yes i did water changes but put the fish in a bowl and washed the whole tank and pebbles with filterd water.
  14. it is just a little white thing that sits at the bottom and dissolves and little bubbles rise to the surface because it is dissolving.it was a small round tank.do you mean an eating bowl because it was about 16 cm high and 60 width with about 2 cm of pebbles.i had a pirate ship ornament and no filter yet had oxygen weed.yes i only had 2 gold fish at a time except when i started of i had 3 but gave them away.any more ideas??? :-?
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