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Everything posted by Discusguru

  1. One for cutting glass and the other for drilling holes.
  2. 1 Lydia Place Northcote Auckland Ron
  3. My dumbo pk male has a really nice body shape and the hmpk girl I have is beautiful too but I dont have the space to spawn them unfortunately. They are also perfectly matched in colouring.
  4. You have to be a member of a fish club to do it.
  5. Very nice discus . Have the photos been edited or enhance?
  6. You can take them out if they are eating the brineshrimp well. They will need at least 4 feedings a day and waterchange if you want to grow them well. Ron
  7. Discusguru

    Hi everyone

    Nice to see you here . Good luck with the quarantine. Ron
  8. Tank size: 60x45x45, 50 cube tank Feeding: As per normal daily feeding of bloodworm, colorbit Water change: I normally let the fry go free swimming before doing any waterchange. Having a mature sponge filter in the tank is good. Temp: 28-30 degree Having brineshrimp eggs on hand to hatch for feeding fry. Ron
  9. The tank is looking really good now without all the tanning :thup: Ron
  10. Dose after they finish laying. Ron
  11. Mollies seems to do a good job of getting rid of them in my discus tank. Algea fix does the job for me too. Ron
  12. Tried most of the wildlife that can be found in Malaysia such as monkey, squirrel, monitor lizard, python, tiger, turtle, dog, rabbit, wild boar, kancil, ant eater, bats, musang.......
  13. There is no point adding stability daily when there is no fish in the tank. Better to get a couple of fish in there to cycle it.
  14. Half fill a bucket with water and add a handfull of salt . Put the fish into the bucket for about a minute or till the fish flip over, Which ever come first. When the fish flip over take it out and put it back into the tank or pond. The fish will recover very quickly. The salt water will strip the slime coating off the fish . Ron
  15. Yes, it will recover. Best to do a salt bath on the fish to rid the parasite since it came from a dirty pond.
  16. There is nothing wrong with the fish at all. The growth on the fins indicate that it's a male and the white spot on the head is normal too. Ron
  17. Are the blue ram actually from germany? I thought they were imported from singapore. Ron
  18. All his so called AAAgrade show quality fghters and discus couldn't even qualify to go into a competition :rotf: . Funny how he can call his baby fighter AAA grade when he say they're too young to be sex :dunno: ron
  19. Came in as a lavender halfmoon elephant fighter. Salamander will be a more proper colour and definately a halfmoon.
  20. Here is my personal experience with using TLC start smart bacteria in a bottle. Set up a brand new AR980T tank using the filter that came with it only. Wash a sack of new gravel and put it in the tank. Put in a 300w heater. Fill up tank with warm water from the tap and turn on the filter. Pour in a bottle of start smart bacteria and added two sper red map discus, two red melon discus and two red dragon discus. Put in another four golden molly, two clown loach and three dwaft chain loach. Water test everyday and there was no sign of any ammonia or nitrite and the tank had been going for two months now. Thirty percent waterchange twice a week and three feeding per day of colorbit, bloodworm and flakes. Dose TLC freshwater after each waterchange as per instruction on bottle. The ammonia and nitrite level would have gone through the roof if the product don't work or am I just lucky. Discus are even pairing up and breeding in the tank and molly are dropping frys. Ron
  21. It's good to get pick on. That way you can learn to spell it right next time. To me that's another way to learn :thup:
  22. Some sort of lily? I Got them in the shop. Came in from the mix bunch plants I ordered. They look quite cool and are quite fast growing under strong light. Ron
  23. Yes! it's just a normal short tail fighter. Plakat means short tail fighter.
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