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Everything posted by peanuts

  1. i used limestone in my 6foot african tank and it has all been good so far the fish are really happy,only death was due to a fish fight, and the population is increasing all the time!!, and it raises the ph which is what suits africans (they love it)
  2. peanuts

    Hi Everyone

    yippeee another african keeper welcome hope you can find your daily fix here!!!
  3. have you tested to see how accurate it is??
  4. peanuts


    are you talking of africans welcome to the world of africans. use what ever you like, some prefer light substrate some dark,go with the flow lots o holes n caves to hide in they'll be happy as
  5. peanuts

    blue zebra

    they dont stop!!!!!!!
  6. get a grinder take the grinding disc off refit a cut off disc (availiable from most places that sell grinders) and away you go! will cut that cheap steel no sweat just be sure to protect your eyes,it hurts like hell when the crap hits the peepers glenn
  7. gee paul 48 hours this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it must be time for a water change!! glenn
  8. snap!!!!!!!!! i got sold a pair that i was told were kings but was a little unsure as wasnt able to possitively id them,the male looks exactly like that the female is all silver and to top it all off have a holding tank with 23 8 week old babies , even at that age there is a deffinate difference between male and female at least thats what i think(hope).
  9. are the neons in the same tank with your angels? depending on the size of your angels - these could seen/have seen your neons as supper.
  10. that looks awesome, a job well done indeed just goes to show what can be achieved with a bit of thought it looks so stylish beats paying mega for a pro unit.you are to be congratulated glenn
  11. thought that was why you won a particular auction last month - of an item consisting of 83 bits. :lol:
  12. someone get them albinos to paul, then we can ALL have them,there will MOST probably be enough hatches to go round!!!!!!!!!! glenn
  13. wonderful pic's - brilliant :lol:
  14. I had a betta in with with guppies - had been in there for some weeks - but when the betta's tail starting growing larger, he decided that he should be the only one with a large tail and went round taking chunks out of the male guppies.
  15. watch the snails, cause if you have a pair, and they breed - the female and male will join and stay together for approx 1-2 days then the eggs will be laid.
  16. ask Dark (you will see him at the meeting tomorrow), as that is one of the plants he like to grow - I think he uses CO2
  17. Glad to see you have joined the rest of us fish keepers. your malawi's are well known to us here in Wellington or should I say Wainui Glenn and Karen
  18. now your talking dan :lol: you wont regret it solid wood is more stable and holds glues and fixings a lot better
  19. very nice, and I bet even more stunning when viewed in life
  20. ewwwwwwww yukkkkkkkkkkk mdf no please no!!!!!!!!!!!! i swear by solid ,mdf plus water equals mush
  21. and yes caryl next one i do i will take a series of pics and do a bit of a speil about it for here and to you for the mag, i know those of us who have practical minds once seen how its done will go "hey i can do that" not to mention the cost saving over a pro built unit
  22. hi dan its a bummer having to wait , the 4 weeks it took me to build/source the components required couldnt pass quick enough but it was all worth the wait big tanks and africans what a mix!!!!!!!!!!! awesome. hope your new tank comes together allright for you. if you need any help with info for your stand just ask.im only to pleased to help (in any way i can from here) glenn
  23. hi dan, the lighthood corners are mitred with a half inch scollop taken out of all the visiable edges takes the emphasis(spelling) off the corner and gives the look of a panelled surface.some people call them feature edges. the rocks are all just sitting there didnt use silicon or anything just placed them.(didnt fancy trying to catch fish around them)put them in over the course off a day if it was too unstable pulled them out and started again hense why it took all day to set up.it is really stable it takes a bit of effort to move them. i put the bottom row on a piece off poly cut to fit between the braces then put in the gravel around them.so if the fish play bulldozers(which they have )the rocks wont come down.as for putting holes in the stones the only thing i found that works was a masonary bit. i found some of the tall background today the rockface one it looks heaps better now no hoses, your new 740 litre tank sounds awesome what r u going to put in it? hope this helps , glenn
  24. awe shucks guys you are making me all embarressed but thank you for the comments and yes i am proud of the way it turned out it is the biggest and baddest of our family of tanks cost wise it worked out much cheaper than buying one from the shop, those prices nearly gave me a coronary(not to mention karen ) who wouldive had to find the cash. and it is not really that hard to do with good planning and a lot of thought anyone can do it
  25. sorry hubby posted about the size of the tank and he has problems with his calculations. But YES shiuh - this stand was made from scratch - had the next door neighbour weld the steel together then hubby got the wood and attached to the steel, only took him a weekend, then we got the tank made by Peter at Port Nicholson glass and once he had that he made the lighthood which he attaches the light fittings inside the hood.
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