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Everything posted by peanuts

  1. I have bettas in with several different types of gourami and no problems.
  2. unless im working it out wrong i think it works out to 675 litres
  3. the tank dimensions are 1800x500dx700h for lighting i used 2 4ft floros mounted offset with one end at each end of the hood that way i only need 4 ft tubes and not the 5 or 6 ft tubes which are way harder and costlier to get and besides all the tubes i had were 4 ft.
  4. fish include golden peacocks, blue peacocks, johaniis, ice blue zebras, albino zebras, red kadangos, lionheads, esteraes, kingseis, electric yellows, blue zebras, auratus plus 3 bristlenose and two kuhli loaches. sorry don't know all the latin names - still learning them.
  5. my hubby is into his cichlids and he wanted a bigger tank for them to grow into, hence the six footer, he welded a steel frame then clad it in macrocarpa, placed tank on then built a hood encasing the light. but then he had to add more cichlids to the ones he already had. http://gallery.guppies.co.nz/albums/use ... 002_-1.jpg
  6. We have three in with our malawi, - we also have two kuhli loaches and they are all happy.
  7. the other thing was the price - how much are you paying for them in Auckland? cheaper than the $19.95 they are in Wellington?
  8. I was in at Hutt Pets today and noticed that they have some retailing at $19.95 each. we like the look of them - but will have to wait until the 6 footer is up and running.
  9. so how many do you have now?
  10. will I love watching my baby bristles - can stare for hours at them - have just had a third batch about two weeks ago - and have just rebred my dwarf gouramis - fry free swimming 6 days ago. lets hope I can keep them alive beyond 6 weeks this time - I have my fingers crossed that all the reading I have done will help them this time :bounce:
  11. great pics - how did you get them to sit still :lol: do you have a name for the cichlids in the second pic? would be interested as we have some that look like that - but undrestood they could be a mixed breed?
  12. if you go to www.applesnail.net they give you the rundown on the applesnail and how to look after the eggs.
  13. peanuts


    Meeting Time and Location Although we will do our best to inform everyone of changes, here is all the information you need: Day: Last Wednesday of every month. Time: 7:45 pm meet with meeting starting at 8:00pm Location: Doris Mills Lounge, Linden Community Centre, Linden Avenue, Linden, Tawa. Directions: From the Main Road, turn at the Christadelphian Church into Linden Avenue. On the right are the Plunket rooms, the Bridge Club Rooms and then the Linden Community Centre. The Doris Mills Lounge is at the end of the Community Centre building. The car park is one way so you enter from the east end and exit from the west end. Tea and coffee are provided, but please feel free to bring something to share for supper - gold coin donation and blank cheques are also accepted, first born children by prior arrangement. Upcoming Meeting Dates: 2006 May - 31th June - 28th July - 26th August - 30th September - 27th October - 25th November - 29 my hubbys into his cichlids too - know he would love to view your tanks sometime
  14. peanuts

    Hello everyone

    Meeting Time and Location Although we will do our best to inform everyone of changes, here is all the information you need: Day: Last Wednesday of every month. Time: 7:45 pm meet with meeting starting at 8:00pm Location: Doris Mills Lounge, Linden Community Centre, Linden Avenue, Linden, Tawa. Directions: From the Main Road, turn at the Christadelphian Church into Linden Avenue. On the right are the Plunket rooms, the Bridge Club Rooms and then the Linden Community Centre. The Doris Mills Lounge is at the end of the Community Centre building. The car park is one way so you enter from the east end and exit from the west end. Tea and coffee are provided, but please feel free to bring something to share for supper - gold coin donation and blank cheques are also accepted, first born children by prior arrangement. Upcoming Meeting Dates: 2006 May - 31th June - 28th July - 26th August - 30th September - 27th October - 25th November - 29
  15. Meeting Time and Location Although we will do our best to inform everyone of changes, here is all the information you need: Day: Last Wednesday of every month. Time: 7:45 pm meet with meeting starting at 8:00pm Location: Doris Mills Lounge, Linden Community Centre, Linden Avenue, Linden, Tawa. Directions: From the Main Road, turn at the Christadelphian Church into Linden Avenue. On the right are the Plunket rooms, the Bridge Club Rooms and then the Linden Community Centre. The Doris Mills Lounge is at the end of the Community Centre building. The car park is one way so you enter from the east end and exit from the west end. Tea and coffee are provided, but please feel free to bring something to share for supper - gold coin donation and blank cheques are also accepted, first born children by prior arrangement. Upcoming Meeting Dates: 2006 May - 31th June - 28th July - 26th August - 30th September - 27th October - 25th November - 29
  16. Hi Jude, if you still have some available - I would like a piece. cheers Karen
  17. hey you aren't to know whose male and female by the username - I'm not affended
  18. Bristles will choose where they want for a cave - you can provide him with many options but he will go where he feels safe and mine decided that digging his way under the driftwood was the way to go.
  19. great mag again Caryl - has my hubby laughing as in the piece on pots peanuts is refered to as a him/he. so hubby's been ribbing me about changing sex. :lol:
  20. ive made a decision i am going to plumb the tank from the bottom i think it will look cleaner , i only have to find out a way of spreading the flow along the tank to give me good movement, have to say though you guys are tops when it comes to sounding out things, now i know why it gets used so much in this house
  21. yes we do realise that 1500 is not five foot, hubby makes the stand himself so when we have decided the dimensions and given to Peter then we will start building the stand. cheers for everyones help and opinions.
  22. i didnt think it was a bad idea but i have not tried it before ,i am more inclined to go over the back like i have done on all my tanks it seems less likley to turn to custard on me, but didnt want to discount it either so i thought i would seek advice
  23. Peter at Port Nicholson is building the tank and when discussing with him he was suggesting the holes in the bottom and putting the fittings in when making - we are wondering what the stresses would be on the filter.
  24. am getting (or hubby is getting) a five foot tank built for his cichlids, we are still deciding exact dimensions but probably 1500 x 500 x 450 and will be running an external filter a 1200litre. the query is whether to run this with the hoses coming into the top of the tank OR plumbing the pipes through the bottom of the tank. which would put less stress on the tank and the filter?
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