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Everything posted by peanuts

  1. exactly my point Anthony, if she hadn't commented most of us would never have known as we would have been checking out the tank. love the plants!!
  2. by the sounds of that comment, I think the house may need to be redesigned, one fish tank won't be enough, can you add an extra room for fish tanks??
  3. wonderful tank Caryl - who cares about the dust - it shows you are concentrating on more important things, the fish
  4. now 36 hours with no loss - in fact they all seem quite happy. their old home is now in at the glass repairers. so I am one happy person :bounce: :bounce:
  5. you said it monaro1 so I took her round another couple of batches - it about doubled her population - so I think she needs to take a new photo for show and tell.
  6. We have managed to increase our baby cichlids to 12 which will be the maximum this tank can hold when they are fully grown. so we have a cichlid tank, the guy we have been buying of has cichlid - hes in Waikanae but who else has them in the greater Wellington region?????
  7. Hi buttons if you are still looking for apple snails have a look at this auction http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 945202.htm no reserve $1 starting bid cheers Karen
  8. He probably thought of it BUT as it isn't fishy grade silicon I wouldn't have let him. have just rung Peter at Port Nicholson glass - its going in tomorrow for a rebuild, this means that we can also use the opportunity to get an internal brace and decent lids. I have been using perspex as lids. hubby has also said that he will get cracking and build my stand so it will look good at the end of this and so far the fish have settled into their temp. home quite happily. its been 6 hours and no sign of any of them stressing out.
  9. When hubby came home he tried placing silicon over the hole, but couldn't get it to stick, pressure just kept forcing it off. so definately had to move fish over. but fish seem to be happy enough for now, was most concerned for the dwarf gourami, as they have been newly aquired and didn't want to lose them, but have seen them happily swimming around and both of the adult bristlenose has come out of hiding and is busily moving around the tank, am glad they haven't bred yet, otherwise that would have been a nightmare. thanks for all the offers of help, but we have enough filters to run three tanks. and thanks for the support.
  10. was getting the kids ready for school as usual this morning and walked past my fish tank and noticed the water level had dropped. immediately wonder why, walked closer and discovered that the carpet was wet and then heard the unmistakable drip drip noise. the tank had sprung a leak, at least I had noticed it when the level had only dropped by 10cm - gave me plenty of time to react. Also lucky in a way that MTS has set in as when hubby decided he wanted a cichlid tank we ended up with the one he set up and another one that I hadn't commissioned yet. so rung hubby and got him home from work to get it out of the garage (to heavy for me to lift) and start saving tank water and moving fish. have now transfered fish and as much water from old tank as could, plus the aged water and hope that the shock/stress won't kill them. problem with this tank as its longer is, no cabinet as yet to sit it on, so its sitting on the floor - oh well. So a visit to Port nicholson glass I guess to get the other tank resiliconed, as he has started to build a stand for the leaky one, once hes done that stand, I guess I will just have to keep him busy and build a stand for this one as will, so that will be 3 tanks plus the fry tank. I know a long ways to go to catch up with some in here but its a start.
  11. I have suggested to Paul on more than one occassion to level the driveway with the road - would make for a double storey fishroom and the existing drive could be used for the new garage. I think he could be keen but we would all have to convince Adele. anybody have a bulldozer handy to get the ball rolling
  12. I don't have opaline gourami but have just breed Dwarf gourami - so heres what I have been told. eggs have been laid - remove the female once the eggs have hatched remove the male. place crushed up lettuce in the tank to start growing influorsa (not sure how its spelt) and get some liquid fry No 1 (for egg layers) and start feeding them that when they start moving. and hoepfully that will help until someone with some more experience helps you out. cheers Karen
  13. hes slowing down to allow for us to catch up Kookie :lol:
  14. good catch, you need to be restocking that one, seen Adele has got the passion for her cichlids back.
  15. Hi Gem,as you can see the forum is a friendly place.. he saw your tanks and username monaro, but as you said you are just a tad too far for him to get a system.
  16. so if you don't do water changes how to keep the water clean?? I don't have snails.
  17. so how do you do water changes with fry swimming around??
  18. thought I would share the news of the week for me. got a pair of dwarf gourami's from my neighbour, and the female was already full of eggs so brought them home, placed them in their own tank and the male got to building a nest. was amazing to watch - even the kids would prefer to watch the fish to tv. I didn't get to see the event happen, within three days of them being in their own tank we had fry. or should I say pencil dots with tails, kids are calling them tadpoles. we have just reached the free swimming stage and please don't ask me to count them, I couldn't even guess how many there might be, but I will be happy if I get a couple of fry to survive. its so great to watch the different stages, instead of waking up to more guppies each morning.
  19. we have a malawi tank with baby electric yellows, kenyis, red kadangos and lionheads. our pleco and kuli loaches are quite happy with the set up.
  20. most pet shops will have apple snails, they come in two main colours, a golden and a brown colour. note apple snails are not asexual, you need a female and a male to reproduce. to find out more about apple snails look at this site. http://www.applesnail.net/ great site - gave me heaps of info. cheers Karen
  21. oh why oh why why is it that everyone is in Auckland ?
  22. Yes i have 12 bumble bee's. Two breeding tanks setup with 6 in each, They have laid eggs in snail shells but i can not get the eggs to hatch. So not successful yet.
  23. as Mark has conceded to another tank, would you like some more "bubbas" to add to those? :bounce:
  24. we have been seting up a Malawi cichlid tank and are wanting a few more to add. we currently have 2 electric yellows, 3 kenyi, 2 red kadango's and 1 lionhead. tankmates are two kuli loaches and a pleco. are the cichlids are babies max size about 6cm. yes we know they will grow bigger, but we still have room for a few more - does anyone have any for sale in the greater welly area??? cheers Karen
  25. so does that mean you have some/been successful at breeding??
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