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  1. We have another show update. For those wanting to show fish we have looked at the previous FNZAS Classes and chosen 11 classes that can be entered. These are: D- Cichlid E- Labrinths F- Egg Laying Toothcarps H- Corydoras and Brochis O- Guppy Male P- Guppy Female Q- Xiphophorus helleri R- Platy S- Molly U- Singletail Goldfish V- Twintail Goldfish If we get enough interest form people wanting to enter a fish that is not listed, then there is the possibility of adding more classes. Entry fee FNZAS Members - $2 per entry Non Members - $5 per entry More details regarding each Class, Judging Standards and prizes will be released over the coming weeks. The Hawkes Bay Aquarium Society Fish Show and Expo 2025 is shaping up to be the event for all fish and reptile keepers in New Zealand. To keep up to date follow the Hawkes Bay Aquarium Society on Facebook or check out www.hbas.org.nz/show
  2. Next years fish show and expo will be taking place from the 25th to the 27th of April 2025. For those businesses wanting to have a stall we are now taking entries.
  3. The Hawkes Bay Aquarium Society will be hosting a fish show and expo around April/May 2025. We are currently gathering expressions of interest for those people/businesses that may want to enter in the following areas: -Fish Show Entries -Aquascaping contests -Exhibitors -Sponsors If you are interested please contact [email protected]. More information will be coming in the coming months
  4. Our Guest Speaker will be Nick from Aquaponics New Zealand. We will be at the venue from 9am and ask that anyone attending arrive before 9:50.
  5. Hi All Just a reminder of the FNZAS Annual General Meeting on Saturday the 27th of April. This will be held at Napier Baptist Church, 36 Riverbend Road, Maraenui, Napier 4110 This should be a good event with attendees from all over the country. It will also be available via zoom for those that cannot attend. AGM Zoom details: President FNZAS is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: FNZAS AGM Time: Apr 27, 2024 09:30 AM Auckland, Wellington Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/92593087655?pwd=YXF5MzU5b0tZM3Z3amI4azdHb0kxQT09 Meeting ID: 925 9308 7655 Passcode: 135413 Please note that speaking rights are held by committee and delegates only. FNZAS members will get a chance for comments at the end of the AGM The plan for the day will be as follows 10am FNZAS AGM start 11am Guest Speaker 12pm Lunch 1pm Tank Crawl The AGM is open to everyone including all members and non-members of the FNZAS. The tank crawl will only be open to attendance by FNZAS members. For any questions regarding the in person event please contact either: Chris Drake: [email protected] Chris Stokes: [email protected] -- Chris Stokes FNZAS Secretary
  6. We now have a speaker for the afternoon. To be announced in the next couple of weeks
  7. At this stage we have planned for the agm in the morning followed by lunch then potentially some speakers in the afternoon (TBC) and a tank crawl. more details to come
  8. Hi All As you may be aware, the Hawkes Bay Aquarium Society is hosting this years FNZAS AGM. This will be on the 27th of April 2024 There will be the AGM both in person and on Zoom followed by meals a tank crawl and fun and games. Looking at a few more things as well depending on numbers. It would be great to get as many people together in person for this. You dont even need to be part of the exec to attend. We look forward to seeing everyone
  9. Looks like Hygro Blue (Hygrophila salcifolia) to me
  10. Most people like us would need to know an idea of the costs before we can make any decision
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