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quarantine setup questions


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Hi everyone

i have a few quick questions

i am currently in the process of setting up a quarantine facility near the Auckland airport i have 2 buildings built for this (they are made of tin so insulation is essential or i will cook them in summer and have frozen fish in winter) one for quarantine and one for breeding.

i am in the process of hearing back from quotes for fish tanks (looking at approx 20 tanks 1000 x 400 x 400) if anyone knows who can make them for cheap i would appreciate it or where i can buy the glass i don't mind making them that would be really helpful my current cheapest quote is just under $100 lidded

also the other thing I'm looking for is polystyrene sheets I'm hoping for 50mm but due to price i may have to resort to 25mm if you know where i can get some cheaply from that would also be great, i am after 20 sheets of the 2.4 x 1.2 or equivalent area at the current price i have for them at $33.44 a sheet comes to $668.80 so if i can cut some money off that i will be very happy

the other question i have is from what i see about 1 person every month shows interest in importing fish and for some reason or another doesn't follow through and I'm wanting to know why, what were their pitfalls?

I'm already in talking to MAF about setting up and will be visiting them within the next few weeks and they seem interested in how i will be setting up so far i have put about $2000 in this also have done quite a bit of MAF paperwork and am not likely to give up easily

also any other hints tips ideas would be helpful

also sorry i most likely wont be doing marine fish for a few years yet my main focus will be African cichlids but i will also do the uncommon fish that you don't find often in fish stores (eg neons and plattys i wont import because i would rather have a more diverse range of fish than whatever is already easily available unless they are a F1)

so any help would be great thanks

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You will need to talk to the Local Council about the zoning or wether you will need a resource consent for land use and also any conditions for discharging effluent to the sewerage system.Things may have changed, but it was required that you needed an ante room prior to entering the facility.

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You will need to talk to the Local Council about the zoning or wether you will need a resource consent for land use and also any conditions for discharging effluent to the sewerage system.Things may have changed, but it was required that you needed an ante room prior to entering the facility.

ante room? is that anti contamination room?

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Hi, your local ITM can help with the poly sheets. I get the 50mm 1200mm x 2400mm for $11 +GST per sheet.

If you decide to make the tanks yourself, you can ask the local glass companies about bulk rates. Your ITM can also provide the silicone tubes pretty cheap too. Use Sikasil RTV Clear to ensure there are no mould-inhibitors.

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Gregs/Tanks2U is fairly handy to your location and is usually pretty well priced. His details are in the commercial T&E section.

Don't limit yourself to African cichlids, there are plenty of us keen on the SA's... :D

thanks :) the quote for the $100 tanks was from Greg i heard about him from word of mouth but its best to ask around tho there is another guy (trademe name goldfishman?) said he would do a deal for under $100 per tank tho i only hear good things about Greg so i might go with him anyway

also i wont limit it i will be very open to what the "market" has a interest in even if it is a one off (i would love to get some of the freshwater rays in but i may have to jump a few hoops with MAF and my wife to do that (but i wanna try in the long run)

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Hi, your local ITM can help with the poly sheets. I get the 50mm 1200mm x 2400mm for $11 +GST per sheet.

If you decide to make the tanks yourself, you can ask the local glass companies about bulk rates. Your ITM can also provide the silicone tubes pretty cheap too. Use Sikasil RTV Clear to ensure there are no mould-inhibitors.

that's a awesome price! ill go there tomorrow and check it out!

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also i wont limit it i will be very open to what the "market" has a interest in even if it is a one off (i would love to get some of the freshwater rays in but i may have to jump a few hoops with MAF and my wife to do that (but i wanna try in the long run)

I've never had a tank from goldfishman, but greg is usually pretty good bang-for-buck.

Henward and I and probably many other people would pay ridiculous sums of money if you could somehow get rays in [legally], but its highly unlikely as they're "poisonous". The real issue is the list, and the fact that in many areas (probably more so with SA and CA cichlids than others) it hasn't been updated to reflect the changes in taxonomy and the new species that have become available in the hobby over the 15 or so years since it was done. There are lots of things available overseas that could/should be on the list but aren't, many would be undistinguishable to anyone not well schooled on that particular genus, and in some cases could possibly even be justified by being a new species derived from one already on the list that has since been split. But they still aren't on the list so that is that. There's many plecs, dwarf cichlids that could be brought in, as well as other "high end" stuff like wild-type discus, wild angels etc that would be nice to see, but probably very expensive and very fragile.

All the best, it is nice to see someone willing to take the plunge and show an interest in getting some unusual stuff here!

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Is that stuff they use for underfloor insulation? Bunnings wouldn't sell it in less than packs of 5.

No that stuff has grooves cut in them so you can squeeze it between joists.. Don't buy that.

They should have regular sheets of 2400x1200mm in different thicknesses

Oh can I ask what the poly is for? To insulate the room or the tanks by themselves?

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Is that stuff they use for underfloor insulation? Bunnings wouldn't sell it in less than packs of 5.

its a large flat sheet i know the thing your talking about with all those cuts in it, this is one big flat sheet you need a traler just to take home one sheet (unless you cut it up lots)

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No that stuff has grooves cut in them so you can squeeze it between joists.. Don't buy that.

They should have regular sheets of 2400x1200mm in different thicknesses

Oh can I ask what the poly is for? To insulate the room or the tanks by themselves?

to insulate the room if you have a cheaper way im all ears?

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to insulate the room if you have a cheaper way im all ears?

I got a 3phase heating unit (old) was used in factory for heating, excellent for fish room heating!!

you dont real want each single heater for each tank..that quite costly i find!

Let me know!

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Okay man, i can sell you 20x 25mmx2.4x1.2 (HD)at $450 incl delivery, :mbh:

that mate rates cost!

let me know!

Thanks for the offer but I'm not really looking to spend so much on the insulation I'm sure I can knock them down to about $250 for 25mm S, I know it's not HD but it should do well enough for what I need

I'm trying to find the cheapest way possible because I know there is not a lot of money in this to repay it back for a while so at the moment it's just coming out of the back pocket and I still have shelving, tanks, heating and permits to go!

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