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Friend having setup FNZAS forum account issue


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I thought it was that it has to be an email address assigned to you, not one you can sign up for.

Otherwise spammers would simply make tons of gmail accounts, or hotmail accounts, etc.

Accounts like your internet supplier, or school, cannot be signed up for, so these are the emails that are allowed.

I think :slfg:

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Hi all,

Have a good friend trying to make an account for fnzas forums, but keeps getting prompted with "You may not register with an anonymous email address" , surely gmail accounts are fine? :)

Nope, Gmail is anonymous.

It's an antiquated limitation, imo given that a huge proportion of people do not use email addresses supplied by their ISP.

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It would be nice if other emails were allowed. I used to be registered here many years back, but my account vanished so i never came back. And when i did had the email problem... Took me a good 10months to figure out I had an external email from university.

There must be some way so genunine to-be users can be granted registration with gmail and the like. I know would if i could. Im certain my brother would also join up if the site allowed it.

Maybe while signing up, maybe users need to upload an image of some sort of NZ identification?

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P44 has a gmail account........

I think that you need to create the FNZAS account with a non gmail / hotmail type account.

Then you can change email account to be the gmail account, after the FNZAS account has been created.

The edit account has different validation logic.


OR as SamH said....... man I type too slow

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Email Address

We do not accept anonymous email addresses for new registrations, we only accept the email address you pay for as part of the service provided by your internet service provider, or place of work or study.

If you change your email address after registering, your account will be automatically disabled, requiring an administrator to re-activate it.

All new registrations are checked prior to approval.

You may, however request to change your email address to an anonymous one after a period of time, the approval of this change is at the discretion of the Fishroom Subcommittee.

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As LA has alluded to, the details for registering with an anonymous email address are on the registration page, if you click the link at the bottom of the page it will redirect you to the Contact Us page of the main site where you can email and ask for an account registration form. I have activated a multitude of accounts for users who have managed to read the instructions and have not just clicked 'I agree to these terms' at the bottom of the page and then get frustrated when they get the message when they attempt to register that they cannot with an anonymous address when they obviously have not even read the first two paragraphs of our terms which they agreed to abide by.

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