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Young Rosella caught by cat


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I have just had a young Rosella dropped off here, which was brought in by a cat. He has no physical injuries but of course he is in a state of shock. It looks like a fledgling and behaves as such too, still makes the same noises.

At the moment hes just laying on his side breathing heavily, I am keeping him in the warm and dark.

Any advice or suggestions?

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When I disturb him he can hold his head up well, bites well enough and can perch on my finger so I think he got quite lucky. Wings are in good condition but he doesn't have many flight feathers yet, but they're powerful enough to catch his fall. I really think its all just shock but I don't want to poke and prod him too much at this stage, I'll wait till he has calmed down a whole lot and have a closer look. I check around through his feathers thoroughly before hand and could not find any puncture wounds or scratches. I held out his wings and he didn't show any signs of discomfort.

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can perch on my finger so I think he got quite lucky. I held out his wings and he didn't show any signs of discomfort.

If he'll let you near enough to do that and not struggle much he's either very young or nearly dead. Just keep him warm, make sure he's got water. Could try feeding him a little baby food with a tiny spoon if he's calm enough.

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He just took a syringe full of catfood mashed up with water. Doesn't like the syringe but doesn't mind what comes out of it. Makes a lot of noise so he's still fighting. I can't remember if it was Vegemite or Marmite that works well? I think that would be best for him tonight and move onto something more solid tomorrow. He is better then when first arrived at least, so fingers crossed he will be fine in the morning.

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Aww, Sorry to hear the sad news :tears:

I've tried saving many a wee birdy that the cat has bought in, think I've succeded with a couple out of Lord knows how many, but as I say "Saving a couple has got to be better than saving none".

Stress is a big killer in birds :roll:

My 4 Cats now have bells on their collars :wink:

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