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Car crash Today


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hi i was hit by a woman in takanini today in my car.

i was in the right lane and she was in the medium and she pulled out i tried to swerve but she still hit me and damaged the left side of my car quite badly and my neck got whiplashed.she was at fault completly it was just me driving and she had her gransdon which he blamed her for too.just wondering how to go about getting my car reapired i dont have insurance for a personal resaon but she does so do they pay me and do i get to choose a repairer?my poor car scraped my mags aswell and may have buckled one.just got it primed not happy and she didnt even apoligize some people :an!gry

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Well hopefuly you got her numberplate, name and phone number. She needs to lodge a claim with the insurance company and give you a refrence number. You ring her insurance company with ref number and arrange a time and workshop/s to repair it. Rember that it is the insurance company that is paying for the job so try not to get the repairs done at a dodgy backyard shop.

All in all there should be no cost to you, except maybe some time without a car so get a courtesy car or ask for a rental car during that time.

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You ring her insurance company with ref number and arrange a time and workshop/s to repair it. Rember that it is the insurance company that is paying for the job so try not to get the repairs done at a dodgy backyard shop.

I think that the insurance company will direct you to one of their affiliated workshops anyway, so I doubt if it will be a dodgy shop - unless it's a dodgy insurance company..

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Yeah as others have said get in touch with her insurance company, only issue could be proving who was at fault if police came and there were no witnesses.. You are really running a huge risk driving around without your own insurance though, even 3rd party covers your ass for allot of stuff..

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UhI have a repairer I want it's prima in east tamaki very professional business am I able to choose who I want I don't want a half ass company doing it wrong can I claim for a deepest as they can't match my color?cheers for your help guys :thup:

You usually cannot choose who you want to do the work, might have a selection of a couple but that's it.

I have no idea what you mean by "Claim a deepest"?

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I have no idea what you mean by "Claim a deepest"?

I think what Zuri was asking was whether there is a maximum claimable amount from the insurance company, i.e. if they don't have the same colour, will they repaint the whole car?

I suppose they would, lol.. (wouldn't they??) Otherwise it'll be a pretty funky looking car!

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It is important you got her name and contact details plus her licence plate and the name of her insurance company. You contact them immediately and fill out the forms giving your side of the story. They compare it with hers ( she will probably be blaming you by the time it comes to fill our her forms) and they decide based on evidence who is at fault.

They may ask you to get 3 quotes from reputable local companies or you can ask them if you may get a quote from the company you prefer.

Have you been checked out by a medical person and filled out an ACC form? Although you may think there is little wrong, the ACC45 form is important if you develop problems later on and require medical care (this can happen with whiplash and other bruising which may take a day or 2 to develop). It will be cheaper for you to see the Dr if you fill out the ACC45 form (says she from where she works a Dr's office :wink: ).

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Have to agree with Ryan :wink:

Good Luck with it, can be such an inconvience to have something like this happen, you will have to choose out of whoever they give you to do the repair work.

Have to say, "3rd party fire and theft is an absolute must"

I'd say go for full coverage. It's cheap insurance :slfg:

I think in the last 12 years I've made more in claims than I've paid. &c:ry

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the reason i dont use insurance companies is i got ripped of on my 8k claim i didnt get a cent paid.my car was garaged and then it got stolen and dumped and i had my garaged alarmed and locked but they said it wasnt sufficent and had an assesor look at it and he said wasnt sufficenit also wento to court with no success as i couldnt pay the lawyers fees and was fighting a losing battle.i have money put away incase i crash into someone already but is unlikely to ever happen.i have spoken to the lady and said she needs to lodge a claim stating that she crashed into me so will what happens from here is not nasty so thats good and no one was hurt im glad it was just me in the car

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Hate it when people pull out into those medium strip thingy's :evil:

I know thats apparently what they are there for, just don't see the point of it really, why sit in the middle of the road waiting for an accident to happen :roll:

Never use them, would rather sit and wait untill I can get to where I need to go in one move :wink:

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the reason i dont use insurance companies is i got ripped of on my 8k claim i didnt get a cent paid.my car was garaged and then it got stolen and dumped and i had my garaged alarmed and locked but they said it wasnt sufficent and had an assesor look at it and he said wasnt sufficenit also wento to court with no success as i couldnt pay the lawyers fees and was fighting a losing battle.i have money put away incase i crash into someone already but is unlikely to ever happen.i have spoken to the lady and said she needs to lodge a claim stating that she crashed into me so will what happens from here is not nasty so thats good and no one was hurt im glad it was just me in the car

wow what insurance company was that? That is unbelievable, they were happy to take your money before it got stolen, never asked to have you keep in Fort Knox. Sounds like a case of bullies with money knowing you won't have money for lawyers when it comes time to pay up.... reminds me a little of ACC ....

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wow what insurance company was that? That is unbelievable, they were happy to take your money before it got stolen, never asked to have you keep in Fort Knox. Sounds like a case of bullies with money knowing you won't have money for lawyers when it comes time to pay up.... reminds me a little of ACC ....


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lets just say it was a big corporate and dont want to name and shame.it was most likely because i was young and was easily taken advantage of now i know that there are wasy around insurance .saving money is much easier and controllable to me.but for others its not possible

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I think it is very unlikely that, given she had a passenger even if it was a grandchild, that she will deny she was at fault unless she never admitted she was.

Insurance companies generally have their own repairers, I think you will find they can match your colour.

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They should make 3rd party insurance a legal requirement. Heaven forbid someone were to hit a house or power pole - could be up for a lot more in damages that hitting a car. Happens pretty regularly too.

With your case zuri - there was no need to go to court, and no need for a lawyer. You can / should have gone to the insurance ombudsman - decisions are legally binding on the company and not binding on you. It costs nothing.

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I'd say go for full coverage. It's cheap insurance :slfg:

I think in the last 12 years I've made more in claims than I've paid. &c:ry

Firstly, 3rd party is MUCH cheaper than full.

Secondly, My wife gets it WAY cheaper than I do, her excess in an event is $250, mine's $750. Both under 25, but I'm a male on my restricted (She's a woman on her full).

Thirdly, I would hate to be your insurance company if you're making that many claims. Doesn't your premiums go up after a claim?

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Firstly, 3rd party is MUCH cheaper than full.

Was something like $100/year when I checked. Pocket change.

Thirdly, I would hate to be your insurance company if you're making that many claims. Doesn't your premiums go up after a claim?

Probably, still $350ish/year is cheap and I don't recall it changing significantly after my first crash 12 years ago. Actually, insurance went down because I wasn't paying for that car anymore. :slfg:

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