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We had a Heaf test as well, then the BCG if it was negative. That was at high school in fourth form IIRC. They do not vaccinate in this way in NZ anymore.

Little kids get Diphtheria/Tetanus/Whooping Cough/Hep B/ Polio and some flu things then MMR later

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you have a Mantoux test in ur lower forearm. if thsi reacts u dont get BCG if it doesnt u do.

BCG is in top of deltoid and usually forms a cyst which can take a few weeks to heal

once thsi happens then u have cover should be checked with mantoux every 5-10 years

think thats about it

Hepatits is checked by blood test. 67 different types of Hep most common are a b and c



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Working on the next Aquarium World today as it is raining. We have had 70mm in the last 24 hours.

This bath had a bit of damp algae in the bottom of it yesterday lunchtime. This is what it looks like now...


The pond has filled up a bit too 8)


Good to get such a solid amount at this time of year. Means we won't have water rationing etc in a month or two.

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I also did some maintenance and found that the java ferns that have always given me trouble had died again. I have officially given up on those. There is narrow or needle leaf java on the same wood that thrives too.

Have been looking into getting a better light for the loach tank - found a nice compact LEO LED unit but I can't work out if the lighting is more or less than the one I've got as it didn't give a rating on the box and I can't see how it could shed more light since it's a very vertical light spread.

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I sat and watched Joe pull a huge clump of plant out of my tank then replant some good bits and add more sagittaria while his mum and I enjoyed a drink and she added a few more pieces to my jigsaw. I am finally able to work on it myself again :happy2:

Am onto my second day without painkillers or anti-inflammatories :thup:

The rain stopped for a wee while but has started again. Never mind, we needed it. It is supposed to clear this afternoon.

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