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Just chased my cat out of the house with a bird hanging in her mouth, with my hysterical seven year old shouting out out out with tears streaming down her face. Managed to get the cat out and daughter calmed after I explained the reason for the cat bringing the birds into us. I deffinetly sense nightmares for her tonight :facepalm:

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"Mmm tasty", says the cat :lol:

Once my cat brought a bird inside into my room and there were feathers everywhere, and the bird's head was right in the center of the room with the skull cracked and brains showing :sick:

I must be lucky then. My cat either eats them whole (if they are small enough) or leaves them completely intact (except feathers). Only ever had to clean up blood once and it was 1 drop.

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Going to pick up my new tank from Christchurch on new year's day. 65x50x50cm internal base, 10mm glass, and it has starphire glass for the front panel :happy2:

Lighting will be a brand-new Aqua Medic Oceanlight 1x150w HQI which is sitting in my closet at the moment. I'll get a $20 bulb from fish-street.com

With my Christmas money my parents are giving me (they never bother with presents as I always want fishy stuff so they think it's easier to give me cash) I'll get some sand, peat, possibly an inline heater and a thermometer. This is going to be a blackwater biotope for Apistos :)

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Yep like an ADA tank :happy1:

I've come home from school today as I was being bullied quite badly and someone threw an orange at me so I was a total mess and so I've got myself cleaned up. I'm not going back because if I find out who it was then my fists will get me into a lot of trouble.


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Yep like an ADA tank :happy1:

I've come home from school today as I was being bullied quite badly and someone threw an orange at me so I was a total mess and so I've got myself cleaned up. I'm not going back because if I find out who it was then my fists will get me into a lot of trouble.


That is why you bide your time and play at a higher level than your aggressors. Put your energy into thinking rather than fighting. There are ways that you can get your own back without resorting to violence, and usually, without getting it come back on you.

Your obviously a smart kid, and bullies are usually far weaker people than they willing to admit, hence they bully to make themselves feel a sense of grandeur.

Hang tough, end of the day, you'll always be teh better person. :thup:

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Well I don't need to worry about anything until next year because schools just finished so I'm feeling pretty good now :thup:

And I've got my new tank to look forward to, and getting it set up :happy2:

That's cool, what kind of scape are you going to do?

I went for a walk on the beach today with my dog and found a few hermit crabs


This one was already out tried to get it into a new shell but nope.


And another of a hermit crab I found I Vanuatu, I put it in the hot tub...


And some geckos in Vanuatu



And a panorama of the walk, the sea, the island, the dog :wave:


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glass in the hand.....

I'd be very sad having mine removed.

Ew CPR vomit made me feel ill. I've had to use my amazing first aid skills on a man with a massive head wound a couple of years ago. That was really fun being totally grossed out by blood. :wink:

On a happy note i'm so obsessed with gardening now that i'm even considering planting my tank finally.

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I bought some random plants from Animates the other day and I threw them in my tank to test it, they appear to have gained roots and grown a bit already! So now i'll try another type, grow them a bit, and repeat. Everytime I go and buy heaps of plants at once they end up looking all messy and I feel like they don't grow so I neglect them, so i'm going to see what works and what doesn't instead of getting annoyed when one type dies on me!

So at this rate ill have a fully planted tank in about a year hahah.

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