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New parrot


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His name was Spike...We're changing that.

Rescued him from a 70ish yo man, he was the guy's wife's pet before she died 4 years ago. Hasn't been out of his cage since then. The week before we picked him up he started falling off his perch, when we picked him up he had a broken wing and was sneezing blood.

So, off to the vet for x-rays. His wings are full of old, healed breaks. Wings and joints are deformed and arthritic due to horrible diet likely from the time he hatched. The vet asked when she saw him, "What's his diet? Let me guess, sunflower seeds, sunflower seeds and more sunflower seeds?" Yep. Previous owner gave us his leftover food, a 5 gallon bucket of sunflower seeds. We're not sure how old he is but it appears since he hatched he's been fed nothing but sunflower seeds and the odd bit of toast, icecream and chocolate.

FAR too late now to do anything for him so we're just going to try and get him eating something other than garbage. He's basically on a DNR now.

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Good on you Ira. I hope an improved diet will at least stop future breaks :(

Our new bird has been put on hold until next season as the parents did not produce anything this year :roll:

We were offered a hand reared blue quaker but Grant wants a green.

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Our new bird has been put on hold until next season as the parents did not produce anything this year :roll:

We were offered a hand reared blue quaker but Grant wants a green.

A whole 'nother year?? :o :nilly: Noooo, I can't wait that longgggg......

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poor nutrition

i see a lot of bad care information given at point of purchase that results in worse cases than this galah

Most of his problems would have been stopped if whoever bred him or even the previous owners when he was young had asked someone with half a clue, "What do I feed him?" Rather than this idiotic, irresponsible concept that most people seem to have that sunflower seeds are the only thing to feed parrots.

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He's started eating pellets. Threw most of the sunflower seeds out of his cage onto the floor and ate the pellets instead. Much less stubborn than expected.

And after 2-3 days of not sneezing blood(That we noticed), he's just done it again.

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Seems to be more alert and active after having a stroke that's weakened his left side. He has difficulty climbing around the cage and is spending most of his time laying on the bottom. But he seems alert just has difficulty moving around. Looks like he won't be put down on wednesday since he seems a little more active.

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Poor bird.... :tears:

Having bred birds as teenager (family had an aviary) this sort of thing was always my nightmare.

What's truly terrifying is that someone would spend that much on a bird (galah's aren't that cheap) and yet never bother to do any research on diet. :evil: :evil:

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